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The Graftless Concept - A Systematic Pre-Treatment Evaluation Method for Treatment of the Edentulous Patient with a Fixed Prosthesis


Dr. Edmond Bedrossian

75 min

In this presentation Dr Edmond Bedrossian follows up on his previous lecture 'A systematic surgical and restorative plan for treatment of the Edentulous Patient with a Fixed Prosthesis' (catalog #141-00). He will begin by highlighting the differences between the tooth-only defect patient, and the composite defect patient. He will step through 4 different cases, explaining each step that is necessary for a predictable outcome.<br /><br />Dr Bedrossian will discuss the interarch space as well as the indications for alveolaplasty: economic, technical, and esthetic.<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 11/11/2014 | Expires: 11/11/2017</span>

Endodontic Rotary Instrumentation - How to achieve maximum efficiency while eliminating failure


Dr. John T. McSpadden

63 min

There may be more instrumentation technique recommendations than there are endodontic instruments available. Obviously, all cannot be the 'best' approach. Are these techniques confusing motion with accomplishment and time with safety? This presentation describes 6 basic principles that enable the practitioner to maximize endodontic rotary instrumentation in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and safety for any type endodontic file available today and as they become available in the future. Saving valuable time and eliminating pernicious stress are the result.

Risks Endangering Bone Stability Around an Implant


Dr. Georg-H. Nentwig

79 min

The risks that endanger bone stability around an implant can be related to trauma, loading, anatomy, implant, reconstruction, or the patient. This lecture will provide hints and scientific background about each one of these aspects so that you can manage and even avoid these risks.<BR><BR>Bone stability is the key for long-term success of an implant. But, there are two areas that must be identified in maintaining this stability. We will emphasize the importance of the implant abutment area where the bone is adjacent to the soft tissue. This bone is critical for supporting the soft tissue and for ensuring the health of the soft tissue and avoiding bacterial contamination.<BR><BR>This lecture will show you what you can do to improve a weak bone to avoid an early functional mistake or failure of the total reconstruction. We figured out that we can add, after the static phase, after the second stage surgery, after the load has started, a bone training phase that can improve the original weak structures so much that you can rely on it's stability even if you apply a more risky restoration.<BR><BR>We will discuss how to avoid esthetic failues, an unpleasent situation for both the patient and the dentist, that are often due to lack of bone right from the beginning.<BR><BR>Finally we will discuss the option to place an implant in a sub-crestal position which is only possible if you use an implant that has a stable cone connection. The cone connection will avoid any bacterial release, and will therefore avoide any bone loss in the cervical region caused by this bacteria contamination. With this concept we can achieve long lasting esthetic results.

New Advances in the Treatment of the Esthetic Zone - The Esthetic Preview


Dr. Mario Imburgia

50 min

Using aesthetic preview and smile designing techniques in prosthetic and implant dentistry offer the clinician a great tool for different purposes:<BR><ul><li>Designing the patient's smile</li><li>Sharing the digital mock-up with the dental team</li><li>Improving communication with the patient</li></ul>This new approach allows the clinician to increase the predictability of the esthetic result of prosthetic restorations in the aesthetic zone, to optimize the clinical performance of the entire dental team and amazingly improve the communication with the patient.<BR><BR>This lecture will focus on smile design techniques starting from the ground up to new perspectives, applying these techniques to

Horizontal Augmentation Techniques: Ridge Expansion


Dr. Daniel Cullum

47 min

Why would you want to use ridge expansion? Ridge expansion allows us, through varying techniques, to make cuts in the bone, to bend the bone, and to create a 4-wall bony defect that we can place a tapered implant into with viable bone surrounding it. It allows us to restore a more natural arch form, increase vestibular depth, and help to place implants in a more restorative driven position.<BR><BR>Ridge expansion allows us to have unique healing vs. grafting "turn-over", and it allows us to have special clinical applications that we can't achieve with any other technique. It shortens the healing interval and reduces pain. For our patients it is a very minimally invasive approach. However, these techniques have a steeper learning curve and require special instrumentation to complete.<BR><BR>This lecture will show you how ridge expansion can enhance your practice and your patient care.

Sinus and Socket Bone Augmentation with Simultaneous Placement of 3 Dental Implants


Dr. Sascha A. Jovanovic

18 min

The posterior maxillary partially edentulous patient is in need of a solution that stabilizes a crown or bridge, supports healthy gingival tissues, develops a functioning occlusion and prevents the need for removable appliances. Sinus lift protocols have been developed over the last 30 years but depend on existing bone volume, general and dental health, social and professional activities, patient wishes and budget of the patient. Success relies on the bone anatomy, soft tissue management, proper planning, surgical and restorative technique used, bone graft material of choice and factors related to patient's healing behavior.<BR><BR>The referred patient in this video is a healthy, 62-year old non-smoking asian male with 3 missing upper-right teeth. The teeth were previously removed due to endodontic and periodontal involvement. At the time of extractions, the premolars were grafted with a biomaterial. The case is shown from the surgical side and the final result after 2 years of loading. Cone beam 3-D planning is used to plan the bone graft method, the flap design and surgical steps of implant placements.<BR><BR>Incisions, horizontal and vertical, lateral open sinus window technique with a diamond rotary instrument, sinus lift procedure with hand instruments, autogenous and xenograft placement, resorbable GBR membrane adaptation, 3 optimal implant positions, flap release and suture placement are shown in detail through each step. The uncovering technique with a soft tissue papilla management procedure is shown with the 2 year follow-up with a functional and esthetic result in the patient.

Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Surgical and Prosthetic Keys to Success - Part 1


Dr. Tidu Mankoo

57 min

The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.

Treatment of single moderate gingival recessions using the combination of the connective tissue graft and emdogain


Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva

15 min

Gingival Recession therapy is one important solution in contemporary periodontics.<br />Success relies on the localized anatomy, selected technique, and factors related to patient's healing response and post-op behavior.<br /><br />The referred patient was a healthy, 26-year old female non-smoker with a gummy smile and localized Miller's Class I gingival recessions. The recession was 5 to 6 mm deep on both upper first canines.<br /><br />Oblique and paramarginal incision were used to create the flap design, and a CT graft was used to improve the thickness of the gingival margins. Enamel Matrix Derivative (Emdogain) was also used to improve the healing aspect.<br /><br />Two-and-a-half-years follow-up depicts 100% root coverage with excellent color match and volume as compared with adjacent teeth and gingival margins.

All-on-4 Upper Jaw Implant Surgery - Patient consultation, oral examination, 3D treatment planning and patient preparation (Part 1)


Dr. Sascha A. Jovanovic

17 min

The edentulous patient is in need of a solution to stabilize a prosthesis to prevent malnutrition, progressive bone loss and social embarrassment.<BR><BR>Rehabilitation concepts for the edentulous patient depend on bone resorption, Smile-line, general and dental health, social and professional activities, age, and budget of the patient. Success relies on the edentulous anatomy, proper planning, surgical and restorative technique used, and factors related to patient's healing behavior.<BR><BR>The referred patient in this video is a healthy, 50-year old non-smoking male with a low lip-line and an edentulous upper jaw with an old ill-fitting denture. This video will demonstrate the important steps of patients examination, the pre-treatment guidelines and considerations, the first intake and second planning interview and the 3-D planning with NobelClinician software and the fabrication of the radiographic and surgical template.<BR><BR>Part 2 of this patient treatment (available on CV-52) demonstrates the surgical implant placement and the transition to a fixed hybrid prosthesis.

Adhesive & Esthetic Dentistry - Minimally Invasive Procedures (Part 1 of 4)


Dr. Oswaldo Scopin de Andrade

57 min


In Part 1 of this 4 part series on Adhesive & Esthetic Dentistry - Minimally Invasive Procedures, Dr. Oswaldo Scopin will start with a short introduction about this concept which is essential for clinical longevity. He will present his findings from a study he published showing results from a long-term analysis of laminate veneers.<br /><br />Dr Scopin will explain the important steps to achieve the 'perfect' margin of a restoration. How do you continue this year after year? What is important to maintain clinical control? How do we achieve the 'perfect' marginal adaptation? Do we change the preparation? Do we change the ceramic? Do we try to preserve more tooth structure? Each of these questions will be addressed, all with a focus on minimally invasive restorative dentistry.