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Dr. Achille Farina
Brescia, Italy

Dr. Farina, holds scientific degree from A.Calini, Brescia (Italy); Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Università degli Studi at Milan (Italy); "Diplome d'Université Orthodontie et Orthopédie Dento et Maxillo-Faciale" from Université de Bourgogne at Dijon (France); MS in Dentistry in Orthodontics from Università degli Studi at Cagliari (Italy).

He is Adjunct Professor at Università degli Studi at Ferrara (Italy), where he is also Director of the Graduate Research Program on the Invisalign Technique. He holds a private practice in Brescia (Italy) too. Dr. Farina was among the first Invisalign certified doctors in Italy and he is at present one of the most skilled doctors in the country. He is an European Platinum Doctor since 2004. He gave more than 70 one-day courses on the Invisalign Technique in Europe.Dr. Farina lectured, among others, at the 1st 2nd and 3rd European Invisalign Meeting in 2005, 2006 and 2007 and at the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics Annual Meeting in 2006. He is Honorary Member of the Italian Society of General Dentistry, Member of the Italian Society of Orthodontics, International Member of the American Association of Orthodontists and Fellow of the World Federation of Orthodontists.

Il Dottor Achille Farina si è laureato in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria presso Università degli Studi di Milano e specializzato in Ortognatodonzia presso Università di Cagliari.

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