Dr. Sam Strong
<p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This lecture focuses on CAD/CAM Technology and the production of Titanium bar overdentures as well as Zirconia frameworks for fixed implant restorations.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">It will illustrate the use of the acrylic verification stent and why it"s important in CAD/CAM technology. It will illustrate the exciting new technology that is available from the Procera form of software and milling capability to produce titanium bars and zirconia frameworks.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">It will show the beautiful titanium bar and why it is a step up in technology, why it is an improvement over our former cast alloy technology to produce effective, successful, long-lasting overdenture therapy.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">And then, finally, it will illustrate the use of some new framework design for zirconia, that will allow us to produce strong and very aesthetic, screw retained implant fixed restorations. </p>
Treating the Edentulous Arch with Removable Implant Overdentures Jaw Relation Records
Dr. Sam Strong
<p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This presentation is the second of 4 modules related to treating the fully edentulous patient with removable overdentures. It will focus on the use of a jaw relation recording device (or tracing device) which will give the clinician new accuracy in procurring centric relation. <br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">The patient will generate a gothic arch tracing for us that will enhance our ability to be more accurate in our occlusal relationships. We will also illustrate the use of locator attachments: how they are chosen, and how their retentive capabilities are utilized. <br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">We will also show the use of strengthening metal frameworks for our denture bases, and how they add to the longevity of the denture base, and how it also allows us to produce a paletteless design in the maxillary overdenture. And, finally, we will illustrate the use of the pickup procedure intraorally, allowing us to pickup the locator attachment with a new material. Instead of using the older Methyl Methacrylates, it utilizes a lighter material that is cleaner, quicker, and more efficient. <br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This module will dovetale in from the previous module of the series to demonstrate how we can successfully provide implant overdentures for our patient clientele.</p>
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
<p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This lecture will present key concepts on how to achieve success and predictability in soft tissue outcomes. </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">It will focus on biologic factors and the processes involved in what goes on around our implant restorations, and how we as practitioners can use this understanding of biology to compensate for the processes that occur around our restorations to achieve optimum, stable, enduring outcomes.</p>
Esthetic Fine Tuning in Complex Implant Cases
Dr. Egon Euwe
<p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This lecture will underline the importance of diagnostics. </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">And based on the literature you will learn how best to place the implant and how to build up the soft tissue. Example cases involving a single tooth replacement, a partially edentulous patient, and a fully edentulous patient will be used. </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This presentation will also discuss the importance of provisionals: how to shape the tissue and how to transfer the final configuration to the lab technician where the final restoration will be made with metal-free CAD/CAM technology.</p>
Conservative Rehabilitation of Abrasion & Erosion Cases
Dr. Didier Dietschi
This Lecture will review the use of direct and indirect adhesive techniques to solve complex cases involving abrasion and erosion. It will focus specifically on the use of composites. Timely use of composites is crucial, and waiting until the problem becomes too severe will often cause crown and other extensive preparations to be necessary.
Esthetic Implant Failures - Etiologies and Solutions
Dr. Bobby Butler
This lecture will focus on how to correct Esthetic Implant Complications by utilizing soft tissue augmentation procedures. Implant dentistry has brought our patients many benefits. However we do encounter complications, especially in the esthetic zone when implants are misplaced, or not properly planned. While some complications can be corrected, some cannot be if there is too much bone loss. Cases of each will be discussed.
Extraction Site Management for Alveolar Ridge Preservation
Prof. Eric Rompen
This lecture will focus on how to manage the extraction socket in the esthetic zone. What do we do not to lose too much volume? Management for both immediate and delayed implant placement will be discussed.<br> <br> <span class='style2'>REVIEWS/FEEDBACK:</span><br> <font color='#000000' face='verdana' size='2'><font color='#0099ff'>'An innovative approach! Dr. Rompen thoroughly describes how he applies the existing literature to tailor each treatment, providing an honest, unbiased, and methodical overview of the topic and its conventional concepts and techniques.'</font><br> <font color='#ff6600'>- Dr Sarvi Angha</font> Periodontist, Los Angeles, CA</font>
Why Guided Surgery (Part 2) - Edentulous Treatment Options
Dr. Christopher B. Marchack
The treatment of the fully edentulous patient with computer assisted tomography, computer assisted surgical planning software, and a guided surgical technique using a stereo-lithography surgical template for implant placement has five-year clinical studies reported. Initial issues with esthetics and fit of the prosthesis are concerns. This presentation will discuss the treatment of the fully edentulous arch, treatment factors, and treatment options. At the conclusion of the presentation a demonstration will be performed treatment planning the edentulous patient using a surgical planning software program.
Why Guided Surgery (Part 1) - A Restorative Perspective
Dr. Christopher B. Marchack
To achieve an ideal prosthetic result with dental implants, it takes proper treatment planning. The use of surgical templates, helps ensure the correct implant position. Traditional implant placement, with conventional surgical templates are restorative driven, although it does not account for anatomical factors that will make it impossible to place the implant. CAD/CAM surgical templates or guided templates, through the use of surgical planning software allows for a restorative driven implant placement along with a three dimensional view of the patient’s anatomy. This presentation will discuss the advantages of guided surgery in treating patients with this advancing technology.
Dr. Andre Saadoun
A major evolution in periodontology has taken place with less invasive surgery and more sophisticated approaches.<br><br>The predictability of the different therapeutic modalities and the long-term prognosis involve a scientific approach in all clinical procedures using one or several delicate osseous and/or muco-gingival plastic surgeries.<br><br>Part 2 focuses on the treatment of gingival recession.