The Role of Cements in Dental Implant Restorations
Dr. Chandur Wadhwani
Restoring dental implants can be extremely challenging. It is imperative to understand available options related to crown retention, confirmation of fit of components and maintenance of implant restorations over time. The AAP, AAO, and the AARD have all stated that excess cement often leads to peri-implant disease and is considered a major risk factor for implant longevity. While many techniques and products have been developed specifically for cement-retained implant restorations, some are potentially detrimental to implants. Dentists are not always fully aware of the issues and implications of using inappropriate materials or methods.<br /> <br /> This presentation will explore the problems and challenges encountered by the restorative dentist, and to formulate clinical guidelines based on current research.<br /> <br /> <strong>Learning Objectives:</strong><br /> Understand the science behind the best practice of implant restoration.<br /> Understand what we need from implant cements, and how formulate a hierarchy of cement selection.<br /> How to best to detect excess cement and prevent failures.<br /> How to develop an all-encompassing cementation protocol for implant restorations.<br /> How to decide upon cemented versus screw-retained prostheses in various clinical situations.<br /> How to assess truly healthy peri-implant soft tissues.<br />
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Dr. Bradley McAllister
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
The Influence of Modern Clinical Strategies on the Integration and Reliability of the Prosthetic Outcome
Dr. Edmond Bedrossian
In this presentation Dr Edmond Bedrossian follows up on his previous lecture 'A systematic surgical and restorative plan for treatment of the Edentulous Patient with a Fixed Prosthesis' (catalog #141-00). He will begin by highlighting the differences between the tooth-only defect patient, and the composite defect patient. He will step through 4 different cases, explaining each step that is necessary for a predictable outcome.<br /><br />Dr Bedrossian will discuss the interarch space as well as the indications for alveolaplasty: economic, technical, and esthetic.<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 11/11/2014 | Expires: 11/11/2017</span>
Dr. Siamak Abai
Digital advancements in areas such as intraoral scanning, 3-D printing, and CAD/CAM technology are creating efficiencies while expanding the treatment options available to dentists. These tools allow for streamlined treatment and laboratory protocols that can be modified to meet the individual needs of each patient. In this presentation, Dr. Siamak Abai outlines cases where digital intraoral scans are utilized in conjunction with Cone Beam Computed Tomography scans and CAD/CAM software to fabricate guided surgical guides, custom final abutments, and final restorations prior to implant surgery. A model-less workflow is initiated with intraoral scanning, facilitating delivery of final restorations at the time of implant placement. Topics include:<br /><br /> - Impression making considerations for partially edentulous patient<br /> - Treatment planning and utilization of CAD/CAM software for the fabrication of guided surgical guides<br /> - The benefits and applications of intraoral scanning in the partially edentulous patient<br /> - Clinical and laboratory workflows facilitated by digital impressions<br /> - Traditional and digital techniques involved in the fabrication of final abutments and restorations<br /> - Application of CAD/CAM technology in the design and production of restorations<br /> - Prosthesis fabrication from models produced with 3-D printing technology