Anterior Immediate Implant Placement and Function - The Digital Workflow
Dr. Jonathan Ng
Anterior Immediate Implant Placement and Function - The Digital Workflow
Fixed Full Arch Rehabilitations - From Grafting to Graftless
Dr. Arturo Llobell
Fixed Full Arch Rehabilitations - From Grafting to Graftless
Benefits of Extraction Socket Management
Dr. France Lambert
Benefits of Extraction Socket Management
Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva
Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Ridge Augmentation: Decision Tree
Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva
Ridge Augmentation: Decision Tree
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Dr. Roland Glauser
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Dr. Bradley McAllister
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Dr. Siamak Abai
Digital advancements in areas such as intraoral scanning, 3-D printing, and CAD/CAM technology are creating efficiencies while expanding the treatment options available to dentists. These tools allow for streamlined treatment and laboratory protocols that can be modified to meet the individual needs of each patient. In this presentation, Dr. Siamak Abai outlines cases where digital intraoral scans are utilized in conjunction with Cone Beam Computed Tomography scans and CAD/CAM software to fabricate guided surgical guides, custom final abutments, and final restorations prior to implant surgery. A model-less workflow is initiated with intraoral scanning, facilitating delivery of final restorations at the time of implant placement. Topics include:<br /><br /> - Impression making considerations for partially edentulous patient<br /> - Treatment planning and utilization of CAD/CAM software for the fabrication of guided surgical guides<br /> - The benefits and applications of intraoral scanning in the partially edentulous patient<br /> - Clinical and laboratory workflows facilitated by digital impressions<br /> - Traditional and digital techniques involved in the fabrication of final abutments and restorations<br /> - Application of CAD/CAM technology in the design and production of restorations<br /> - Prosthesis fabrication from models produced with 3-D printing technology
CAD/CAM Fabricated Complete Dentures: From Concept to Reality
Dr. Charles Goodacre
This presentation will show the procedures used to record the clinical information needed for the fabrication of conventional complete dentures using CAD/CAM technology as well as the fabrication process itself.<BR><BR>Recently, the technology has been applied to implant overdentures and fixed complete arch provisional prostheses used in conjunction with the immediate loading of dental implants and these procedures are shown.
Excellence in Dental Aesthetics: New Trends and Materials in Aesthetic Implantology
Luc Rutten MDT
Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design predictable beautiful smiles.<BR><BR>This presentation puts an emphasis on a close co-operation between prosthodontist, periodontist, implantologist and dental technician. In addition, a focus is placed on different surgical, clinical and prosthetic techniques to achieve successful aesthetics.<BR><BR>Material selection is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation and on implants. The aesthetic outcome and the natural appearance of the restoration depends on the skills of the dental technician. Understanding of the gingiva of the dental technician will be explained to re-create in a two-way communication an aesthetic end result. New concepts and trends with focus on zirconium dioxide and its excellent long-term behaviour and extraordinary mechanical properties, will be discussed to realize predictable natural oral aesthetics around implants.