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Paradigm Shift: Soft Tissue Concept


Dr. IƱaki Gamborena

66 min

In this lecture presentation Dr Gamborena will discuss the Soft Tissue Concept and what it is about. We can face a lot of problems when we get to the surgical part. We can find ourselves with prosthetics and healing abutments that are way too big. Dr Gamborena will share information about a healing abutment that he has been working with for the last 6-8 years, and that has finally entered the market as of fall 2014. He will show how the abutment works and how you can improve the maximization of your space and be able to graft at the ridge with a totally different approach: Following the concept about what we do Today around implants, compensating the volume from bone, shifting into the soft tissue and being able to create prosthetically something beyond what you might be used to so far.<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/2/2014 | Expires: 9/2/2017</span>

Excellence in Dental Aesthetics: New Trends and Materials in Aesthetic Implantology


Luc Rutten MDT

34 min

Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design predictable beautiful smiles.<BR><BR>This presentation puts an emphasis on a close co-operation between prosthodontist, periodontist, implantologist and dental technician. In addition, a focus is placed on different surgical, clinical and prosthetic techniques to achieve successful aesthetics.<BR><BR>Material selection is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation and on implants. The aesthetic outcome and the natural appearance of the restoration depends on the skills of the dental technician. Understanding of the gingiva of the dental technician will be explained to re-create in a two-way communication an aesthetic end result. New concepts and trends with focus on zirconium dioxide and its excellent long-term behaviour and extraordinary mechanical properties, will be discussed to realize predictable natural oral aesthetics around implants.

Implant-Assisted Orthodontics: Moving Toward a Better Tomorrow


Dr. Frank Celenza

40 min

The use of implants and miniscrews to provide the anchorage necessary for optimal clinical outcomes is an accepted and effective modality. The techniques of

Retreatment in Endodontics - From Difficult to Complicated Cases


Dr. Constantinos Laghios

61 min

In this lecture we will describe the relationship of the root canal anatomy to the lesions that are developed at the periradicular area.<BR><BR>We will also give all the details how to remove safely different kind of materials like gutta-percha, silver cones, broken instruments, posts and pastes.<BR><BR>Details will be given as to avoid any mistakes that would possibly endanger the retreatment perforations and absorptions will be treated in a fast, predictable and simple way.

Implant placement in fresh extraction sockets. Key decision factors


Prof. Mariano Sanz

50 min

It is well established that tooth extraction will result in an apico-coronal as well as bucco-lingual reduction of the alveolar ridge, mostly in the buccal aspects of the extraction site.<BR><BR>In order to avoid this physiological bone loss some clinicians have advocated the immediate installation of implants in fresh extraction sockets. Different clinical studies have evaluated the impact of this implant placement surgical approach on different outcomes, such as: implant survival, bone crest alterations and aesthetic results.<BR><BR>However, in spite of these reports, there is a lack of well-designed clinical trials that have evaluated these outcomes systematically and there is a lack of knowledge on the possible factors associated with different hard and soft tissue outcomes of this surgical protocol.<BR><BR>This presentation will review the results from clinical trials evaluating the immediate implant placement approach and we hall review the important risk factors (implant design, implant position, implant location, thickness of bony walls, etc.) involved in the clinical outcome.<BR><BR>Finally we shall provide some clinical recommendations on the use of this surgical approach.

Predictable Soft Tissue Grafting for Esthetics in Thin Periodontium


Dr. Paul Lin

57 min

This presentation will discuss the thin periodontium and how to utilize this to achieve predictable soft tissue grafting for esthetics.<br /><br />Soft tissue grafting by root coverage and augmentation can improve the facial esthetics not just for natural teeth, but also for implants.<br /><br />By utilizing the same concept of placing the soft tissue on the thin periodontium we can help augment the tissue around implants and dentures and improve and enhance the facial esthetics.<br /><br />Animations will illustrate this concept and provide insight as to how we take the soft tissue away from the pallate and harvest it in an elegant, more predictable fashion.<br /><br />This will also show how to secure the covering flap so the patient will not experience any pain after the surgery.<br /><br />This presentation is intended to increase your understanding, comfort and confidence in performing soft tissue grafting in a more predictable way.

The All on 4 Concept - Diagnosis to Delivery - 4 Lecture Set (Parts 1 - 4)


Dr. Saj Jivraj

231 min

<br><strong>PART 1: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Concepts of Immediate Loading</strong><BR><br>A. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of the patient<BR>B. Specific clinical factors which determine the sucess of treatment<br>C. Restorative space requirements<br>D. Principles of immediate loading (Science and Techniques)<hr><strong>PART 2: Principles of Graftless solutions and surgical Protocols</strong><BR><BR>A. What is All on 4?<BR>B. Principles of All on 4, armamentarium needed<br>C. Surgical protocols - flap design, implant placement, radiographic evaluation<BR>D. What the surgeon must know prior to placing implants<br>E. Communication between the restorative dentist and surgeon<hr><strong>PART 3: Clinical Patient Presentations<BR>Surgical and Prosthetic Protocols for Fabrication of a Full Arch Immediate Load Prosthesis</strong><BR><BR>A. Clinical treatment presentation of a dentate patient. Diagnosis, treatment planning and fabrication of the immediate load prosthesis<BR>B. Clinical treatment presentation of an edentulous patient. Diagnosis, treatment planning and fabrication of the immediate load prosthesis<hr><strong>Section 4 - Prosthetic principles and techniques for fabrication of the final prosthesis<BR>Complications and maintenance.</strong><BR><BR>A. Fabrication of the final prosthesis from Impressions to delivery<BR>B. CADCAM design of the titanium bar and laboratory procedures involved in fabrication of the final prosthesis<br>C. Commmon complications and how to address them<BR>D. Maintenance

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Toyohiko Hidaka

62 min

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Bio-Integrated Restorative Dentistry


Dr. Costin Marinescu

55 min

<p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">We want to achieve long-lasting results for our patients in treatments that are perfectly tolerated by the body, restore good health, and look beautiful.   This presentation will outline the logical flow-chart that Dr. Marinescu utilizes every day in his own practice (Exam >> Diagnosis >> Treatment >> Maintenance) and the interconnection of each individual step with each other.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">The Stomatognathic System (the ensemble of bones, muscles, joints, teeth and supporting structures) has two states: Pathological  and Physiological.  How these two conditions influence each other will be discussed, and how important it is for us to find the threshold between the two.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">This presentation will also look at occlusion concepts: how teeth come in contact, and the pathways through which they are moving in performing everyday functions like chewing, and how to design our restorations so we can achieve beautiful results but that are functionally tolerated and perfectly integrated with our patients" health.  A history of occlusion concepts will be presented that will cover all the way through to the latest research that are empowering us more and more to offer our patients minimally invasive restorative dentistry that will balance their Stomatognathic System and that will offer a predictability for long term.</p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;"><br /> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; text-align: justify;">Offer your patients the most conservative treatments with the minimum impact and the stability of the Stomatognathic System with a long term impact in quality of life...and a beautiful esthetic result.</p>

Stem Cells: Science and Surgical Application


Dr. Bradley McAllister

65 min

<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify; ">This presentation will examine the biology of stem cells and show you how you can improve your surgical cases by utilizing stem cells.  This is part of a new movement in molecular and cellular enhancement of bone regeneration surgery. </p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify; "><br /> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify; ">Learn how to achieve improved healing in your cases.  </p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify; "><br /> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify; ">Many examples are demonstrated.  One involving titanium mesh and a cellular allograft: 4 months later a significant amount of bone is regenerated for placing dental implants.</p>