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Excelencia estetica em implantes unitarios e multiplos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


58 min

Nesta aula iremos fazer uma analise dos conhecimentos biologicos atuais e relaciona-los com sua utilizacao na clinica diaria para que possamos atingir resultados de excelencia estetica com previsibilidade. Mostrando tecnicas clinicas precisas para atingir este resultado ideal e como evitar resultados esteticamente indesejados.

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Tiziano Testori

70 min

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Impression Techniques in Implant Dentistry


Dr. Christopher Ho

72 min

This lecture covers the various principles and procedures of accurate impression taking. The requirements of impression materials will be discussed and recommendations made as to the most reliable materials to use along with directions on the use of custom vs. stock trays.Different impression techniques will be discussed with a step by step discussion highlighted with videos of the different procedures. Demonstration of capturing developed soft tissue profiles around implants will be shown, and explanation of the passive fit around multiple unit fixed prostheses covered.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Enhanced Esthetic Outcomes (THAI LANGUAGE ONLY)


Asst. Prof. Pintippa Bunyaratavej

62 min

Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Enhanced Esthetic Outcomes (THAI LANGUAGE ONLY)

Advanced Implant Surgery - Site Development, Function and Esthetics (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Prof. Massimo Simion

50 min

Advanced Implant Surgery - Site Development, Function and Esthetics (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Chirurgia Implantare avanzata di mascellari totalmente edentuli (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Prof. Massimo Simion

47 min

Chirurgia Implantare avanzata di mascellari totalmente edentuli (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Masahiro Minami

88 min

Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

New Advances in Esthetic Implant Dentistry - Results with different Implant designs and prosthetic solutions


57 min

New Advances in Esthetic Implant Dentistry - Results with different Implant designs and prosthetic solutions

Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Mario Groisman

90 min

Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Clinical Pharmacology - What Every Dentist Should Know


Dr. Anthony Feck

88 min

Modern dentistry has expanded the arsenal of services to restore patients oral health and cosmetic needs like never before. These changes have corresponded to an increasingly complex medical environment where patients are presenting at a more advanced age, with more medical conditions, and taking more medications. Understanding the pharmacology as it relates to their systems and how the drugs they are taking, as well as those we intend to administer affect the patient, one another, and our planned treatment is necessary for a safe and successful outcome to our planned care.