Dr. Edward A. McLaren
This lecture focuses on materials, and combination cases: how to deal with a veneer and a crown, whether the crown is on a natural tooth or an implant. But first, an introduction on digital dental photography: what camera to use for what situation, and tips and tricks for optimal results.
YSGG Laser Precision in Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Dr. Bobby Butler
Lasers have been used in dentistry for many years. Mostly they have been used with soft tissue procedures. Recently the Er,Cr:YSGG laser has been shown to be safe and effective in osseous procedures. Many cosmetic dentists have been using lasers for esthetic crown lengthening procedures, but most of these cases are simple gingivectomies and not true crown lengthening procedures. Complications can occur without understanding the biologic width and different periodontal biotypes. This presentation will discuss current and future applications with the Er, Cr: YSGG laser with periodontal surgical procedures. The focus will be its use in closed and open esthetic crown lenghtening procedures. Discussion with case selection and osseous biotypes with be stressed. Other applications involving osseous augmentation procedures, harvesting osseous blocks, ridge splitting and lateral sinus wall procedures, will also be briefly discussed.
The Art of The Smile-From Diagnosis to Individualized Multidisciplinary Treatment Plan
Dr. Rafi Romano
During the last decade aesthetic demands in general, and in dentistry in particular, have changed dramatically and patients are much more aware of the possibilities that are available for them to achieve better aesthetic results. Many dentists use the latest technology and the most recent innovations in dental materials, but ignore the fundamental factor of the treatment - the diagnosis. Adult treatment always involves a multidisciplinary approach which requires full cooperation of the dental team: prosthodontist-periodontist / dental surgeon-orthodontist. The orthodontist, who is usually the most skilled member of the team to analyze the facial complex, is responsible for providing a detailed diagnosis together with a few alternative treatment plans that are based not only on the dental findings, but also on the patient's request. The lecture will focus on the criteria for proper diagnosis and will provide the clinician the tools that will help him/her achieve a proper individualized treatment plan.