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Technology & Artistry


Michel Magne MDT

70 min

The knowledge about natural oral esthetics and the interactive relationship between patient-clinician-technician constitute the basic strategies for successful esthetic rehabilitations. No matter how powerful technology becomes in today

Anterior Implant Positioning for Ideal Abutment Design, Biology and Function & Abutment Materials and Design, Part II


Dr. Edward A. McLaren

69 min

This lecture focuses on materials, and combination cases: how to deal with a veneer and a crown, whether the crown is on a natural tooth or an implant. But first, an introduction on digital dental photography: what camera to use for what situation, and tips and tricks for optimal results.

Anterior Implant Positioning for Ideal Abutment Design, Biology and Function & Abutment Materials and Design, Part I


Dr. Edward A. McLaren

69 min

This lecture explores implant placement relative to esthetics, specifically the recommended thought process for the implantologist when determining implant position to achieve a proper abutment design for esthetics. Materials for abutments will also be discussed and what cements to use for the anterior part of the region, with a focus on all-in-one cements.

Femmentes Koronak - Mit? Mikor? Hogyan? Hol? (HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Paul Gerloczy

111 min

Femmentes Koronak - Mit? Mikor? Hogyan? Hol? (HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Color en Ondontologia - Restauraciones Directas con Composites (SPANISH LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Fernando Maravankin

66 min

Color en Ondontologia - Restauraciones Directas con Composites (SPANISH LANGUAGE ONLY)

Plastic Restorations in Posterior Teeth


Dr. Fernando Maravankin

50 min

Plastic Restorations in Posterior TeethPlastic Restorations in Posterior Teeth

Color and Restorative Dentistry - Direct Composite Restorations


Dr. Fernando Maravankin

49 min

Color and Restorative Dentistry - Direct Composite Restorations

Soft Tissue Stability Around Implants in the Esthetic Zone; Can it Always be Predicatable?


Dr. George Goumenos

50 min

Today success in periodontology includes not only achievement of esthetics, but also it

Natural Esthetic Design Smile Analysis


Dr. Dario Adolfi

52 min

Esthetic predictability is based on a comprehensive communication between the dental technician and the clinician. The esthetic checklist as in a important tool to help both in a organized method to setting a prognosis for the perfection –driven smile restoration.<br><br>The understanding of natural tooth according to form, shade, surface texture, superficial gloss and how the fluorescence, opalescence and natural transmission of light is crucial for the ultimate quality of esthetic and natural result on both teeth and implants. This lecture will describe in detail how this optimal treatment can be performed, base on the advancement of CAD/CAM technology

Excelencia estetica em implantes unitarios e multiplos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


58 min

Nesta aula iremos fazer uma analise dos conhecimentos biologicos atuais e relaciona-los com sua utilizacao na clinica diaria para que possamos atingir resultados de excelencia estetica com previsibilidade. Mostrando tecnicas clinicas precisas para atingir este resultado ideal e como evitar resultados esteticamente indesejados.