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New Implant Design for Improved Placement Stability and Tissue Preservation


Dr. Ophir Fromovich

53 min

New Implant Design for Improved Placement Stability and Tissue Preservation

Excelencia estetica em implantes unitarios e multiplos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


58 min

Nesta aula iremos fazer uma analise dos conhecimentos biologicos atuais e relaciona-los com sua utilizacao na clinica diaria para que possamos atingir resultados de excelencia estetica com previsibilidade. Mostrando tecnicas clinicas precisas para atingir este resultado ideal e como evitar resultados esteticamente indesejados.

The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function


Dr. Shimon Friedman

100 min

The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function<br>Over 30% of root-filled teeth in the population present with persistent disease, suggesting an extensive need to manage the affected teeth. Treatment options include extraction and replacement, orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, and selection between these can often be complex. When the patient is motivated to retain the affected tooth, a key consideration is the prognosis, or potential for healing; therefore, the prognosis should be communicated to patients in a clear and objective manner. This lecture focuses on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery.<br><br>Inconsistent reports on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, in contrast with consistently favourable reports for implant-supported single-tooth replacement, have caused considerable confusion in the profession. To reliably reflect the prognosis, studies must conform to design and methodology criteria consistent with an acceptable level of evidence. These criteria are met by only a few studies on retreatment and apical surgery. This lecture identifies the studies that provide the best evidence and outlines the prognosis of retreatment and apical surgery in regards to healing and symptom-free function of the treated teeth. Furthermore, specific clinical factors are highlighted that may influence the prognosis.

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Tiziano Testori

70 min

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

One appointment Inlays/Onlays; Durable, Economical, and Appreciated


Dr. Lorin F. Berland

34 min

Patients are demanding aesthetic, yet reliable alternatives to the replacement of their defective amalgam restorations. Learn the rationale for replacing defective amalgam restorations while conserving and reinforcing the remaining tooth structure. Systematic methods will be detailed about amalgam and caries removal, insulation, proper preparation, impression taking, inlay/onlay fabrication, and final cementation techniques.

Composite Resins in Contemporary Practice


Dr. Ronald Jackson

87 min

The public today want their dentistry less invasive and more aesthetic. Direct composite resin does both and its use in dentistry is rising rapidly. However, these materials have undergone significant evolution in recent years and dentists are challenged to keep current. In addition, esthetic standards have been raised and quality outcomes redefined by todays educated patient. This presentation will focus on understanding the new composite materials specifically developed for anterior and posterior use and illustrate the key elements for their successful application.

Impression Techniques in Implant Dentistry


Dr. Christopher Ho

72 min

This lecture covers the various principles and procedures of accurate impression taking. The requirements of impression materials will be discussed and recommendations made as to the most reliable materials to use along with directions on the use of custom vs. stock trays.Different impression techniques will be discussed with a step by step discussion highlighted with videos of the different procedures. Demonstration of capturing developed soft tissue profiles around implants will be shown, and explanation of the passive fit around multiple unit fixed prostheses covered.

Advanced Implant Surgery - Site Development, Function and Esthetics (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Prof. Massimo Simion

50 min

Advanced Implant Surgery - Site Development, Function and Esthetics (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Chirurgia Implantare avanzata di mascellari totalmente edentuli (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Prof. Massimo Simion

47 min

Chirurgia Implantare avanzata di mascellari totalmente edentuli (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Masahiro Minami

88 min

Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)