Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva
Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Ridge Augmentation: Decision Tree
Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva
Ridge Augmentation: Decision Tree
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Dr. Roland Glauser
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Dr. Bradley McAllister
Cellular and Molecular Grafting Approaches
Case Acceptance - Making it Easy for Patients to Say Yes
Dr. Paul Homoly
This 30 minute video presentation by Dr. Paul Homoly will reveal some things that you can bring to your practice immediately to help your patients accept complete care.<br /><br />Dr. Homoly will tackle the term "chief complaint" (a term we dentists use all the time when consulting with our patients). He will explain why this term may not be working for you, and he will show you how you can replace this term with four other "chiefs": "Chief Condition", "Chief Disability", "Chief Benefit", and "Chief Fit Issue". He will explain each of these new terms and demonstrate how they can help your patients say "yes".
A-Z of Dental Hygiene Part 10 - Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy 02
Ms. Karima Bapoo-Mohamed
Review the Rationale for SRP<br><br>Understand the need for sequential treatment therapy (Power to manual)<br><br>Discuss local anaesthetic indications<br><br>Explain use of Antimicrobial and Antibacterial Agents<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/26/2014 | Expires: 9/26/2017</span>
A-Z of Dental Hygiene Part 09 - Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy 01
Ms. Karima Bapoo-Mohamed
Review the rationale for NSPT<br><br>Discuss the diagnosis criteria for Periodontal Disease<br><br>Explain the clinical phenomena and the underlying mucosal changes<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/26/2014 | Expires: 9/26/2017</span>
A-Z of Dental Hygiene Part 08 - Dental Biochemistry - Role of Biofilm
Ms. Karima Bapoo-Mohamed
Review current concept on dental biofilm properties and composition <br><br>Discuss the role of host response and modulation to biofilm burden<br><br>Understand the role of risk assessment in patient management<br><br>Discuss clinical strategies for biofilm management<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/26/2014 | Expires: 9/26/2017</span>
A-Z of Dental Hygiene Part 07 - Periodontal Link with Systemic Disease
Ms. Karima Bapoo-Mohamed
Discuss biological plausibility of periodontal-systemic links<br><br>Discuss association between periodontal disease and other life threatening diseases and conditions<br><br>Discuss key systemic link diseases and patient management of diseases<br><br>Identify the components and functions of saliva, some treatment options and products available to help achieve oral comfort.<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/26/2014 | Expires: 9/26/2017</span>
A-Z of Dental Hygiene Part 06 - Process of Care 02
Ms. Karima Bapoo-Mohamed
Understand the relevance of data collection and correlate findings to process of care diagnosis<br><br>Care planning and the value of written care plan with key components<br><br>Implementation of care including referral and interdisciplinary collaboration<br><br>Evaluation and success measures with documentation<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 9/26/2014 | Expires: 9/26/2017</span>