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Implant Office Setup & Basic Surgery with EBM (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Takuya Satoh

75 min

Implant Office Setup & Basic Surgery with EBM (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

New Advances In Soft Tissue Esthetics Around Teeth and Implants


Dr. Eric van Dooren

60 min

New Advances In Soft Tissue Esthetics Around Teeth and Implants

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Natural Teeth


Dr. Eric van Dooren

90 min

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Natural Teeth

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Dental Implants


Dr. Eric van Dooren

82 min

Perio-Prosthetic Considerations Around Dental Implants<br>This course will discuss surgical and restorative concepts, procedures and solutions to improve the soft tissue emergence profile of implant and pontic sites in single implant restorations and implant bridges. The restorative choice of implant design and abutment material will be discussed and particularly the evidence of using Zirconia abutments as stable base for soft tissue esthetics and long term implant results.<br><br>The concept of using a concave or flat preplanned abutment via the cad-cam route and via the prefabricated route will be discussed and the steps preventing removal of abutments during the restorative phase.<br><br>This course will teach the restorative dentist the new concepts of zirconia abutment materials, the concave or flat abutment design and the immediate or early placement of the final abutment.

Occlusion and Titanium


Dr. Michael Wise

90 min

This presentation will cover three main areas:<br>Literature review:Will consider occlusal loads and implants, posterior disclusion, horizontal and vertical components of the slide from centric relation to the intercuspal position, perception of occlusal loads, movement of teeth and implants, flexibility of the mandible, porcelain or acrylic on the occlusal surface.<br><br>Passivity of fit -<br>- The need for passiviity<br>- influence of the accuracy of the master cast,<br>- framework distortion resulting from porcelain firing shrinkage.<br><br>Occlusal principles :Will include detection of occlusal contacts, anterior guidance, posterior occlusal schemes and contacts, the prescription, clinical techniques.<br>Case presentations:To illustrate the above and to demonstrate the use of laser welding to achieve framework passivity and occlusal accuracy when providing metal ceramic full arch restorations.

Shade Selection to Match Natural Teeth and Adjacent Restorations


Dr. Stefan Paul

90 min

This lecture will discuss advantages of shade taking with currently available color analyzing devices.

Zirconia Based Restorations for Esthetic Results and Longevity


Dr. Stefan Paul

90 min

This lecture will discuss current aesthetic and technical aspects of using zirconia frameworks for tooth and implant retained all ceramic restorations.

Posterior Composites Restorations (Direct and Semidirect Techniques)


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The reduction in the carious disease incidence and the growing concern of patients for potential toxicity of metals and for dental aesthetics, have called the profession for developing restorative options adapted to new demands. Composites and adhesive techniques have then become the foundation of modern restorative dentistry, following tremendous improvements in material mechanical performances, wear resistance and aesthetic potential. Composite resins are currently used in a broad range of situations, including the treatment of initial decay to the restoration of extended and serial cavities, or the adhesive luting of ceramic work-pieces. However, polymerisation shrinkage of the resin matrix remains a crucial problem and still imposes certain limitations for the use of direct techniques. Therefore, other restorative options such as semidirect and indirect techniques have to be considered for large and deep cavity configurations. The lecture will overview decision criteria for the treatment of posterior teeth, the main restorative options at hand and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Anterior Free-hand Bonding


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The dramatic improvement in the overall population oral health as well as the growing concern of patients for tissue preservation and dental aesthetics has rejuvenated 'free-hand bonding' and made it a primary treatment option for the anterior teeth. Today, composite resin restorations offer conservative, biological and esthetic solutions to many problems, which formerly could only be approached by expensive and more invasive ceramic restorations. However, composite systems are based on different layering concepts and as a consequence, the restoration esthetic potential is strictly linked to a perfect understanding of the shading concept and optical properties of the composite masses in relation with those of natural tissues.<br>Based on a thorough observation of natural esthetics and the application of the so-called 'natural layering', together with an appropriate selection of composite brands, the clinicians can produce beautiful natural like direct composite restorations. The lecture will cover fundamental knowledge about colour and optical properties of natural tissues, will overview the indications of composite restorations in the front teeth and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures


Dr. Egon Euwe

90 min

Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures