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The Biodynamics of Osseointegration Facts and Clinical Implications


Dr. Peter Schupbach

55 min

Dental implants are placed into the alveolar bone, with the expectation that they become osseointegrated and that the periimplant mucosa will heal to the abutment surface and fulfill the primary functions of the periodontal tissues, which are attachment and protection of the soft tissue and the underlying bone.<BR><BR>This requires that the rather rigid ankylotic like connection between implant and bone replaces functionally the sophisticated suspension via the periodontal ligament as offered by the evolution and, that the structural framework of the periimplant mucosa matches the architecture of the gingiva. <BR><BR>The context of an understanding of the elicited host site interfacial healing response will be reiterated for the time period immediately following implant placement up to long term behavior. The role of the implants

Immediate Implant Provisionals in the Aesthetic Zone


Dr. Todd Schoenbaum

47 min

The success of implant treatment in the aesthetic zone is highly dependent upon the careful prosthodontic management of the periimplant gingiva. An evidence based protocol will be discussed, outlining the fabrication of immediate, screw-retained implant provisional restorations in the aesthetic zone.<BR><BR>This protocol is designed to maximize the potential volume of the periimplant gingiva, minimize reconnections at the head of the implant, and increase the predictability of the definitive restoration.

Dental Photography - Level 1


Dr. Todd Schoenbaum

40 min

This program provides an overview of the basics of efficient, effective dental photography. Guidelines will be given for equipment selection, appropriate clinical techniques, and camera settings.<BR><BR>Also included are the basics of dental shade photography, use of contrastors, and patient communication. The goal of this program is provide an efficient framework for the beginning dental photographer to select and use their equipment accurately and efficiently.

Soft Tissue Grafting for Implant Complications in the Esthetic Zone


Dr. Paul Lin

50 min

In this lecture, discover how to utilize Soft Tissue Grafting for correcting implant complications. Utilize 5 pink dilemmas to analyze the implant complications in the esthetic zone.<BR><BR> Determine what the problem is: Is it a buccal concavity problem? Marginal recession? Papilla loss? Asymmetry? Or is it a color & texture problem? Utilize several soft tissue techniques: free gingival graft; connective tissue graft; modified roll technique; and modified VIP-CT technique. For the purposes of correction Dr. Lin breaks down implant complications into 7 categories. The steps for managing implant complications are similar to periodontal therapy.<BR><BR>With proper case selection, patient selection, and procedure selection you will be able to achieve management of complications by soft tissue in a predictable way.

Implants in the Anterior Region - Surgical Techniques for Ultimate Esthetics


Dr. Spyros Karatzas

58 min

The current advances in regenerative dentistry give us the ability to achieve a perfect harmony between hard and soft tissues around teeth, as well as the smile and the rest of the face. Periodontal plastic surgery in combination with implant placement can correct the mucogingival problems created from tooth loss, and reconstitute tissues in order to achieve a natural esthetic appearance of the soft tissues around restorations. We will describe the basic biologic principals that play a role in the wound healing and the appearance of the soft tissues around teeth and implants, and we will try to understand the factors that determine the predictability of the outcome.<BR><BR>Several surgical techniques that can improve the final esthetic outcome will be presented in detail. The timing of implant placement together with several augmentation procedures will also be evaluated to identify the predictability of each procedure.

Current Trends for Indirect Procedures- The Ultimate Ceramic Veneer Concept


58 min

Laminate ceramic veneers are a predictable treatment option for esthetic anterior restorations. When bonded to enamel this modality of treatment allows the clinician to obtain a long-term stable result.<BR><BR>Utilizing current laboratory techniques associated with a strict clinical protocol makes it possible to deliver very thin restorations, with minimal loss of hard tissue.<BR><BR>This presentation shows a an innovative technique named Ultimate Ceramic Veneer (UCV). For this technique tooth preparation is laboratory guided and performed after final impression. Based on the wax-up and the mock the ceramist prepares the cast only where there is no space for the ceramic. The Ultimate ceramic veneer (UCV) is a very conservative approach to create minimally invasive restorations.

High End Implant Solutions for Patients with an Angle Class II Downhill Dentition


Dr. Egon Euwe

44 min

This lecture will discuss the treatment of a very difficult group of patients. Those patients presenting class II failing dentition

Advances in Post Extraction Single Tooth Implant Cases in the Esthetic Zone


Dr. Egon Euwe

54 min

We have all been in the situation where we must extract a tooth with a problem, and replace it with an implant.<BR>What is the most predictable protocol for dealing with these cases? We actually know now that it is a mistake to try to fill the extraction socket completely with the implant body.<BR><BR>So we have moved away from the implant size that would completely fill the extraction socket. And, now, instead, we leave space for the buccal bone. And, we must respect that space. Another important aspect is that the provisional is essential for shaping soft-tissue emergence. We have to do eveything we can to transfer this emergence to the final restorations. And, we have to know how to avoid collapse of the soft tissue envelope we have developed with this provisional. One of the treatment goals, beyond preservation of crestal bone, is also the shaping of the palatal area of the tooth. That should be done as accurately as the buccal portion.<BR><BR>Cement rentention is a real danger, and we should be aware of that. By copying the shape of the provisional that has been extensively tested in the mouth of the patient onto the final restoration we have full control of the soft tissue contour around the implant supported resotration that mimicks the root and the shape of the natural tooth.<BR><BR>So we really create the illusion of a natural tooth. Join Dr. Euwe as he discusse the advances in the field of post-extraction implant supported restorations.

Predictable and Successful Maxillary Sinus Augmentation


Dr. Toshiro Sugai

35 min

In this presentation, we will identify safer and more predictable maxillary sinus augmentation procedures. We will discuss how to utilize CT imaging to evaluate and interpret the 3D anatomy of the sinus, including ostium, superior alveolar artery, and septa. Dr. Sugai will describe how to predictably lift the sinus membrane and avoid complications.

The All on 4 Concept - Diagnosis to Delivery - 4 Lecture Set (Parts 1 - 4)


Dr. Saj Jivraj

231 min

<br><strong>PART 1: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Concepts of Immediate Loading</strong><BR><br>A. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of the patient<BR>B. Specific clinical factors which determine the sucess of treatment<br>C. Restorative space requirements<br>D. Principles of immediate loading (Science and Techniques)<hr><strong>PART 2: Principles of Graftless solutions and surgical Protocols</strong><BR><BR>A. What is All on 4?<BR>B. Principles of All on 4, armamentarium needed<br>C. Surgical protocols - flap design, implant placement, radiographic evaluation<BR>D. What the surgeon must know prior to placing implants<br>E. Communication between the restorative dentist and surgeon<hr><strong>PART 3: Clinical Patient Presentations<BR>Surgical and Prosthetic Protocols for Fabrication of a Full Arch Immediate Load Prosthesis</strong><BR><BR>A. Clinical treatment presentation of a dentate patient. Diagnosis, treatment planning and fabrication of the immediate load prosthesis<BR>B. Clinical treatment presentation of an edentulous patient. Diagnosis, treatment planning and fabrication of the immediate load prosthesis<hr><strong>Section 4 - Prosthetic principles and techniques for fabrication of the final prosthesis<BR>Complications and maintenance.</strong><BR><BR>A. Fabrication of the final prosthesis from Impressions to delivery<BR>B. CADCAM design of the titanium bar and laboratory procedures involved in fabrication of the final prosthesis<br>C. Commmon complications and how to address them<BR>D. Maintenance