Excelencia estetica em implantes unitarios e multiplos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Nesta aula iremos fazer uma analise dos conhecimentos biologicos atuais e relaciona-los com sua utilizacao na clinica diaria para que possamos atingir resultados de excelencia estetica com previsibilidade. Mostrando tecnicas clinicas precisas para atingir este resultado ideal e como evitar resultados esteticamente indesejados.
Otimizando Cor e Forma em Restauracoes Esteticas - Dentes Anteriores (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Edson Araujo
O tema abordado nesta apresentacao sera restauracoes diretas em dentes anteriores com resina composta. Dentro deste assunto serao abordados, principalmente, dois elementos fundamentais na estetica restauradora: cor e forma. Esses aspectos serao enfatizados com uma visao clinica, de forma detalhada (passo a passo) com objetivo de demonstrar aos estudantes e profissionais como superar clinicamente estes dificeis obstaculos dentro da dentistica restauradora.
One appointment Inlays/Onlays; Durable, Economical, and Appreciated
Dr. Lorin F. Berland
Patients are demanding aesthetic, yet reliable alternatives to the replacement of their defective amalgam restorations. Learn the rationale for replacing defective amalgam restorations while conserving and reinforcing the remaining tooth structure. Systematic methods will be detailed about amalgam and caries removal, insulation, proper preparation, impression taking, inlay/onlay fabrication, and final cementation techniques.
Composite Resins in Contemporary Practice
Dr. Ronald Jackson
The public today want their dentistry less invasive and more aesthetic. Direct composite resin does both and its use in dentistry is rising rapidly. However, these materials have undergone significant evolution in recent years and dentists are challenged to keep current. In addition, esthetic standards have been raised and quality outcomes redefined by todays educated patient. This presentation will focus on understanding the new composite materials specifically developed for anterior and posterior use and illustrate the key elements for their successful application.
Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Galip Gurel
Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)
Aesthetic Challenges with All-Ceramic Restorations (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Mauro Fradeani
Aesthetic Challenges with All-Ceramic Restorations (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)
Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Enhanced Esthetic Outcomes (THAI LANGUAGE ONLY)
Asst. Prof. Pintippa Bunyaratavej
Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Enhanced Esthetic Outcomes (THAI LANGUAGE ONLY)
Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Masahiro Minami
Surgical Microscope for Periodontal Plastic Surgery & Implants (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Mario Groisman
Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Clinical Pharmacology - What Every Dentist Should Know
Dr. Anthony Feck
Modern dentistry has expanded the arsenal of services to restore patients oral health and cosmetic needs like never before. These changes have corresponded to an increasingly complex medical environment where patients are presenting at a more advanced age, with more medical conditions, and taking more medications. Understanding the pharmacology as it relates to their systems and how the drugs they are taking, as well as those we intend to administer affect the patient, one another, and our planned treatment is necessary for a safe and successful outcome to our planned care.