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Excelencia estetica em implantes unitarios e multiplos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


58 min

Nesta aula iremos fazer uma analise dos conhecimentos biologicos atuais e relaciona-los com sua utilizacao na clinica diaria para que possamos atingir resultados de excelencia estetica com previsibilidade. Mostrando tecnicas clinicas precisas para atingir este resultado ideal e como evitar resultados esteticamente indesejados.

Otimizando Cor e Forma em Restauracoes Esteticas - Dentes Anteriores (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Edson Araujo

98 min

O tema abordado nesta apresentacao sera restauracoes diretas em dentes anteriores com resina composta. Dentro deste assunto serao abordados, principalmente, dois elementos fundamentais na estetica restauradora: cor e forma. Esses aspectos serao enfatizados com uma visao clinica, de forma detalhada (passo a passo) com objetivo de demonstrar aos estudantes e profissionais como superar clinicamente estes dificeis obstaculos dentro da dentistica restauradora.

One appointment Inlays/Onlays; Durable, Economical, and Appreciated


Dr. Lorin F. Berland

34 min

Patients are demanding aesthetic, yet reliable alternatives to the replacement of their defective amalgam restorations. Learn the rationale for replacing defective amalgam restorations while conserving and reinforcing the remaining tooth structure. Systematic methods will be detailed about amalgam and caries removal, insulation, proper preparation, impression taking, inlay/onlay fabrication, and final cementation techniques.

Composite Resins in Contemporary Practice


Dr. Ronald Jackson

87 min

The public today want their dentistry less invasive and more aesthetic. Direct composite resin does both and its use in dentistry is rising rapidly. However, these materials have undergone significant evolution in recent years and dentists are challenged to keep current. In addition, esthetic standards have been raised and quality outcomes redefined by todays educated patient. This presentation will focus on understanding the new composite materials specifically developed for anterior and posterior use and illustrate the key elements for their successful application.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Galip Gurel

31 min

Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)

Aesthetic Challenges with All-Ceramic Restorations (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Mauro Fradeani

70 min

Aesthetic Challenges with All-Ceramic Restorations (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

Integrating 'Esthetic' Dentistry and Prosthodontics


Dr. Kenneth A. Malament

71 min

Dentistry that is esthetic to the patient is an important clinical objective. The knowledge within dental technology, dental science and dental practice has dramatically expanded leading to better quality; artistry and more standards based clinical applications. Ceramics are the most consistently predictable esthetic dental material. Today dentists can offer more treatment options for patients complex problems. Metal-ceramics continue to be the state of the art and profoundly affect prosthodontic care and the future. <br><br>Understanding methods to manage simple and complex restorative issues are critical to improving patient acceptance and even long term ceramic success. Methods to integrate the efforts of laboratory technologists and managing occlusion and patients desires can have a profound impact in the practice of dentistry.<br><br>All-ceramic materials were developed to improve ceramic color and marginal fit. Until recently few research reports attempted to study their long term use or factors that relate to their performance without modeling the data. All-ceramic crowns on molars have yet to reach their full potential. Despite substantial improvements in material strength and toughness, they still fail at relatively high rates. Ultimately crown performance is a complex set of interactions between crown material and geometry, the characteristics of the support structure of the cement and crown, and the clinical loading history.<br><br>This presentation will provide a comprehensive look at failure modes and effects in bilayer all-ceramic crown-cement-tooth systems, tying together the influences on resistance to fracture initiation and propagation of ceramic material properties and thickness; crown/tooth geometry; cement modulus and layer thickness; damage induced by shaping, fabrication, clinical adjustments, and sandblasting; and fatigue in the wet intraoral environment. Some counter-intuitive findings will be addressed including changes in fracture behavior with different geometry and the influence of the compliant cement layer beneath stiff cores. Original research will be presented that studied the clinical behavior of over three thousand all-ceramic restorations. Life history and fracture rates were studied over twenty years in relationship to factors that might affect success. Factors such as tooth position, preparation, luting procedures and gender are significant to long term ceramic success.<br><br>Dental implants have become an integral part of dental practice today. Maintaining predictability and high success rates impose great challenges to the dental team. Edentulous ridge defects constitute a major problem. In the past long teeth have been placed into defects to take up vertical space. Gingival and tooth symmetry and the esthetic results were often compromised. Today these conditions as well as the lack of bone can be augmented surgically with soft and hard tissue grafting. This may not always produce a long-term predictable result. Prosthetic techniques will be discussed utilizing newly developed ceramic gingival material and design for fixed prosthodontics.

Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue Augmentation


Dr. Homa H. Zadeh

75 min

A variety of techniques have been described for augmentation of soft tissue around teeth with varying donor material and access. Recently, tunnel technique has been used for minimally invasive assess to sites being augmented. This presentation will describe a novel access for soft tissue augmentation and root coverage. Moreover, application of autogenous tissue, as well as growth factors will be discussed. Minimally invasive soft tissue augmentation may also be applied for modification of thin biotypes around dental implants. The techniques described will be illustrated with clinical cases.

All Ceramic Restorations - Achieving Esthetic Excellence


Dr. Mauro Fradeani

60 min

All Ceramic Restorations - Achieving Esthetic Excellence

Current trends in Aesthetic Periodontology


Dr. Andre Saadoun


Nowadays, the goal of periodontal plastic muccogingival procedure is to perform surgery as atraumatically as possible at the recipient and donor site. Recently, as an alternative to autogeneous gingival graft in root coverage procedures, Enamel Matrix Derivative and acellular dermal matrix allograft were utilized to correct this gingival defect, negating the requirement for a second surgical site.