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Case Acceptance - Making it Easy for Patients to Say Yes


Dr. Paul Homoly

30 min

This 30 minute video presentation by Dr. Paul Homoly will reveal some things that you can bring to your practice immediately to help your patients accept complete care.<br /><br />Dr. Homoly will tackle the term "chief complaint" (a term we dentists use all the time when consulting with our patients). He will explain why this term may not be working for you, and he will show you how you can replace this term with four other "chiefs": "Chief Condition", "Chief Disability", "Chief Benefit", and "Chief Fit Issue". He will explain each of these new terms and demonstrate how they can help your patients say "yes".

Risks Endangering Bone Stability Around an Implant


Dr. Georg-H. Nentwig

79 min

The risks that endanger bone stability around an implant can be related to trauma, loading, anatomy, implant, reconstruction, or the patient. This lecture will provide hints and scientific background about each one of these aspects so that you can manage and even avoid these risks.<BR><BR>Bone stability is the key for long-term success of an implant. But, there are two areas that must be identified in maintaining this stability. We will emphasize the importance of the implant abutment area where the bone is adjacent to the soft tissue. This bone is critical for supporting the soft tissue and for ensuring the health of the soft tissue and avoiding bacterial contamination.<BR><BR>This lecture will show you what you can do to improve a weak bone to avoid an early functional mistake or failure of the total reconstruction. We figured out that we can add, after the static phase, after the second stage surgery, after the load has started, a bone training phase that can improve the original weak structures so much that you can rely on it's stability even if you apply a more risky restoration.<BR><BR>We will discuss how to avoid esthetic failues, an unpleasent situation for both the patient and the dentist, that are often due to lack of bone right from the beginning.<BR><BR>Finally we will discuss the option to place an implant in a sub-crestal position which is only possible if you use an implant that has a stable cone connection. The cone connection will avoid any bacterial release, and will therefore avoide any bone loss in the cervical region caused by this bacteria contamination. With this concept we can achieve long lasting esthetic results.

Implant-Assisted Orthodontics: Moving Toward a Better Tomorrow


Dr. Frank Celenza

40 min

The use of implants and miniscrews to provide the anchorage necessary for optimal clinical outcomes is an accepted and effective modality. The techniques of

Predictable and Successful Maxillary Sinus Augmentation


Dr. Toshiro Sugai

35 min

In this presentation, we will identify safer and more predictable maxillary sinus augmentation procedures. We will discuss how to utilize CT imaging to evaluate and interpret the 3D anatomy of the sinus, including ostium, superior alveolar artery, and septa. Dr. Sugai will describe how to predictably lift the sinus membrane and avoid complications.

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Toyohiko Hidaka

62 min

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Seeking Interdisciplinary Excellence


Dr. Frank Celenza

47 min

The integration of Periodontics with Orthodontics might seem perplexing at first. Whereas the specialty of Orthodontics has historically been associated with a younger patient population, that of Periodontics is probably associated with an older patient type. Why then, would one choose to practice the two together? Are there interactions that we, as clinicians can harness for our patients? <br> This presentation will outline and delineate what many of these combined treatment modalities are, and how they fit into interdisciplinary treatment planning. In many of these examples, the prosthetic and esthetic benefits will be illustrated. Further, the development and evolution of these combined specialties through the eyes and experiences of the presenter will be explored, with a perspective towards future developments that are of interest.

Implant Interactions in Orthodontics


Dr. Frank Celenza

47 min

Whereas the advent of successful and predictable implant dentistry has had a pronounced impact on the practice of restorative dentistry, the same might not be said for the effect implants have had upon the specialty of Orthodontics. However, this presenter feels strongly that a new era of Orthodontic involvement with implants is upon us, and will illustrate the fascinating ability of implants to facilitate tooth movement.<br> The development of implants as useful entities to an Orthodontist, both in the techniques of

The Art of The Smile-From Diagnosis to Individualized Multidisciplinary Treatment Plan


Dr. Rafi Romano

90 min

During the last decade aesthetic demands in general, and in dentistry in particular, have changed dramatically and patients are much more aware of the possibilities that are available for them to achieve better aesthetic results. Many dentists use the latest technology and the most recent innovations in dental materials, but ignore the fundamental factor of the treatment - the diagnosis. Adult treatment always involves a multidisciplinary approach which requires full cooperation of the dental team: prosthodontist-periodontist / dental surgeon-orthodontist. The orthodontist, who is usually the most skilled member of the team to analyze the facial complex, is responsible for providing a detailed diagnosis together with a few alternative treatment plans that are based not only on the dental findings, but also on the patient's request. The lecture will focus on the criteria for proper diagnosis and will provide the clinician the tools that will help him/her achieve a proper individualized treatment plan.

Complications in Dentoalveolar Surgery


Dr. Earl Freymiller

90 min

Although the risks of complications associated with dentoalveolar surgery can oftentimes be greatly reduced, they cannot be completely eliminated. It is impossible to practice dentoalveolar surgery without experiencing the occasional complication. In the course of this lecture, the more common complications will be discussed in detail, as well as some less commonly encountered complications that have the potential for serious consequences. The lecture will specifically focus on ways to prevent or reduce the risk of various complications, how to recognize complications when they occur, and appropriate methods of treatment

Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant


Dr. Stefan Paul

8 min


Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant