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Predictable and Successful Maxillary Sinus Augmentation


Dr. Toshiro Sugai

35 min

In this presentation, we will identify safer and more predictable maxillary sinus augmentation procedures. We will discuss how to utilize CT imaging to evaluate and interpret the 3D anatomy of the sinus, including ostium, superior alveolar artery, and septa. Dr. Sugai will describe how to predictably lift the sinus membrane and avoid complications.

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Toyohiko Hidaka

62 min

Guidelines for Aesthetic Peri-Implant Gingival Tissue (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Complications in Dentoalveolar Surgery


Dr. Earl Freymiller

90 min

Although the risks of complications associated with dentoalveolar surgery can oftentimes be greatly reduced, they cannot be completely eliminated. It is impossible to practice dentoalveolar surgery without experiencing the occasional complication. In the course of this lecture, the more common complications will be discussed in detail, as well as some less commonly encountered complications that have the potential for serious consequences. The lecture will specifically focus on ways to prevent or reduce the risk of various complications, how to recognize complications when they occur, and appropriate methods of treatment

Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant


Dr. Stefan Paul

8 min


Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant

Staged temporization of multiple dental implants in a partially edentulous patient


Dr. Stefan Paul

6 min


Staged temporization of multiple dental implants in a partially edentulous patient