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Laminados Ceramicos Protocolo Clinico em 10 Passos (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


76 min

A literatura cientifica atual preconiza para a denticao anterior a opcao pelo tratamento mais conservador que devolva ao paciente funcao e estetica. Considerando as estrategias restauradoras disponiveis para o clinico, a utilizacao de laminados ceramicos se encaixa nesta definicao de tratamento. O profissional deve ter sempre em mente o correto diagnostico para realizar um correto planejamento seguido de uma sequencia adequada para cada caso especifico. Utilizando para este tipo de procedimento uma ceramica passivel de condicionamento e silanizacao para que assim possa ser aderida a estrutura dental.<br>Toda sequencia de tratamento envolve inumeros detalhes, para a realizacao de laminados ceramicos, do ponta de vista de entendimento educacional nesta aula o protocolo foi dividido em 10 passos para facilitar a descricao clinica e auxiliar o clinico na conducao do procedimento.

Estetica em Gengiva Artificial (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Rolf Ankli

47 min

Estetica em Gengiva Artificial (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Planejamento Virtual, Cirurgia sem Retalho e Funca Imediata - Uma Nova Realidade (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Jose Ciccero Dinato

65 min

Planejamento Virtual, Cirurgia sem Retalho e Funca Imediata - Uma Nova Realidade (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Achille Farina

89 min

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function


Dr. Shimon Friedman

100 min

The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function<br>Over 30% of root-filled teeth in the population present with persistent disease, suggesting an extensive need to manage the affected teeth. Treatment options include extraction and replacement, orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, and selection between these can often be complex. When the patient is motivated to retain the affected tooth, a key consideration is the prognosis, or potential for healing; therefore, the prognosis should be communicated to patients in a clear and objective manner. This lecture focuses on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery.<br><br>Inconsistent reports on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, in contrast with consistently favourable reports for implant-supported single-tooth replacement, have caused considerable confusion in the profession. To reliably reflect the prognosis, studies must conform to design and methodology criteria consistent with an acceptable level of evidence. These criteria are met by only a few studies on retreatment and apical surgery. This lecture identifies the studies that provide the best evidence and outlines the prognosis of retreatment and apical surgery in regards to healing and symptom-free function of the treated teeth. Furthermore, specific clinical factors are highlighted that may influence the prognosis.

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Tiziano Testori

70 min

Immediate Loading - What Applications Can We Expect in the Future? (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)

One appointment Inlays/Onlays; Durable, Economical, and Appreciated


Dr. Lorin F. Berland

34 min

Patients are demanding aesthetic, yet reliable alternatives to the replacement of their defective amalgam restorations. Learn the rationale for replacing defective amalgam restorations while conserving and reinforcing the remaining tooth structure. Systematic methods will be detailed about amalgam and caries removal, insulation, proper preparation, impression taking, inlay/onlay fabrication, and final cementation techniques.

Composite Resins in Contemporary Practice


Dr. Ronald Jackson

87 min

The public today want their dentistry less invasive and more aesthetic. Direct composite resin does both and its use in dentistry is rising rapidly. However, these materials have undergone significant evolution in recent years and dentists are challenged to keep current. In addition, esthetic standards have been raised and quality outcomes redefined by todays educated patient. This presentation will focus on understanding the new composite materials specifically developed for anterior and posterior use and illustrate the key elements for their successful application.

Endodontic Rotary Instrumentation - How to achieve maximum efficiency while eliminating failure


Dr. John T. McSpadden

63 min

There may be more instrumentation technique recommendations than there are endodontic instruments available. Obviously, all cannot be the 'best' approach. Are these techniques confusing motion with accomplishment and time with safety? This presentation describes 6 basic principles that enable the practitioner to maximize endodontic rotary instrumentation in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and safety for any type endodontic file available today and as they become available in the future. Saving valuable time and eliminating pernicious stress are the result.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)


Dr. Galip Gurel

31 min

Porcelain Laminate Veneers - Predictable Tooth Preparation for Complex Cases (TURKISH LANGUAGE ONLY)