
Immediate Dentin Sealing. 20+ Years Experience. 20+ Reasons to Do It. | No Post No Crown - Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry

Catalog Number:D273-00_D151-00

Authors: Dr. Pascal Magne

CE Credits: 4

Running Time: D273-00: 107min | D151-00: 109min

Language: English


D273-00 Immediate Dentin Sealing
After 20+ years of experience with Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS) Dr. Magne is happy to report that this technique has consistently proven itself. Dr Magne will show how IDS adheres to the biomimetic approach to dentistry. He will explain the principles behind IDS. He will discuss its 20+ advantages, as well as its 2 disadvantages (both of which can be avoided). He will walk you step-by-step through 2 cases, and he will demonstrate the forgiving aspects of IDS in cases where all goes wrong.

D151-00 No Post No Crown
What is No-post, No-crown Biomimetic Dentistry? You may ask yourself as a practitioner: what is your core value? Should your restoration last forever? Or should the tooth substance underneath your restoration last forever? This lecture will help you decide.

New concepts called biomimetic principles will be discussed. You will learn about science. You will learn about common sense. You will learn about experience on bonded restorations and you will understand what is called the adhesive revolution. You will learn about laminate veneers, and bonded porcelain in the anterior dentition...Not only the cosmetic beauty of it but the foundations of biology, mechanics, function, and of course aesthetics. Posterior teeth will also be discussed and we will explore the amazing possibilities that are possible now because of those bonding techniques that have evolved both on anterior teeth and posterior teeth. We will discuss the immediate dentin sealing technique that should improve the quality of your bonding...

Release Date: December 16, 2015


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