Seeking Interdisciplinary Excellence
Dr. Frank Celenza
The integration of Periodontics with Orthodontics might seem perplexing at first. Whereas the specialty of Orthodontics has historically been associated with a younger patient population, that of Periodontics is probably associated with an older patient type. Why then, would one choose to practice the two together? Are there interactions that we, as clinicians can harness for our patients? <br> This presentation will outline and delineate what many of these combined treatment modalities are, and how they fit into interdisciplinary treatment planning. In many of these examples, the prosthetic and esthetic benefits will be illustrated. Further, the development and evolution of these combined specialties through the eyes and experiences of the presenter will be explored, with a perspective towards future developments that are of interest.
Implant Interactions in Orthodontics
Dr. Frank Celenza
Whereas the advent of successful and predictable implant dentistry has had a pronounced impact on the practice of restorative dentistry, the same might not be said for the effect implants have had upon the specialty of Orthodontics. However, this presenter feels strongly that a new era of Orthodontic involvement with implants is upon us, and will illustrate the fascinating ability of implants to facilitate tooth movement.<br> The development of implants as useful entities to an Orthodontist, both in the techniques of
Dr. Edward A. McLaren
This lecture focuses on materials, and combination cases: how to deal with a veneer and a crown, whether the crown is on a natural tooth or an implant. But first, an introduction on digital dental photography: what camera to use for what situation, and tips and tricks for optimal results.
Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Dr. Mario Groisman
Aspectos Biologicos em Implantes Unitarios (PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ONLY)
Clinical Pharmacology - What Every Dentist Should Know
Dr. Anthony Feck
Modern dentistry has expanded the arsenal of services to restore patients oral health and cosmetic needs like never before. These changes have corresponded to an increasingly complex medical environment where patients are presenting at a more advanced age, with more medical conditions, and taking more medications. Understanding the pharmacology as it relates to their systems and how the drugs they are taking, as well as those we intend to administer affect the patient, one another, and our planned treatment is necessary for a safe and successful outcome to our planned care.
Treating the Medically Complex Patient
Dr. Adi Garfunkel
• What is the dental-medical approach to the hypertensive patient?<br> • Could we treat patients with medication induced bleeding tendency?<br> • The use of adrenalin in local anesthesia constitutes at times a contradictory subject. How do we deal with this question?<br>
Dr. Lorne Lavine
The course will assist dentists in developing a plan to create a digital or chartless practice. We will look at the six components of a digital practice and how to make intelligent decisions for purchasing each component. We will also look at the process to integrate all of these components together.
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, A Realistic Alternative to Bone Grafting<br>
Dr. Ulf Wikesjo
Surgical placement of oral implants is governed by the prosthetic design and by the morphology and quality of the alveolar bone. Often, implant placement may be difficult, if at all possible, due to alveolar ridge aberrations. In consequence, prostheticly dictated implant positioning commonly entails bone augmentation procedures. One objective of our laboratory is to evaluate the biologic and clinical potential of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) including rhBMP-2, rhOP-1/rhBMP-7, rhGDF-5, other candidate biologics, bone biomaterials, and devices for alveolar ridge augmentation and implant fixation. This presentation will discuss the unique biologic potential, the clinical relevance and perspectives of BMP technologies for alveolar bone augmentation and oral implant fixation, in particular the development of a unique bone-inductive oral implant. This presentation will also address merits and explain short-comings of current treatment protocol including bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration (GBR). BMPs have an unparalleled potential to augment alveolar bone and support implant osseointegration and long-term functional loading. Inclusion of BMPs for alveolar augmentation and osseointegration will not only enhance predictability of existing clinical protocol but radically change current treatment paradigms. Inclusion of the bone-inductive oral implant in the treatment panorama may make 'grafting' and GBR procedures altogether obsolete.
The Art of The Smile-From Diagnosis to Individualized Multidisciplinary Treatment Plan
Dr. Rafi Romano
During the last decade aesthetic demands in general, and in dentistry in particular, have changed dramatically and patients are much more aware of the possibilities that are available for them to achieve better aesthetic results. Many dentists use the latest technology and the most recent innovations in dental materials, but ignore the fundamental factor of the treatment - the diagnosis. Adult treatment always involves a multidisciplinary approach which requires full cooperation of the dental team: prosthodontist-periodontist / dental surgeon-orthodontist. The orthodontist, who is usually the most skilled member of the team to analyze the facial complex, is responsible for providing a detailed diagnosis together with a few alternative treatment plans that are based not only on the dental findings, but also on the patient's request. The lecture will focus on the criteria for proper diagnosis and will provide the clinician the tools that will help him/her achieve a proper individualized treatment plan.
Soft Tissue Behaviour And Integration Around Dental Implants <br>
Dr. Peter Schupbach
The scientific evidence on the biomaterial surface TiUniteTM will be given and compared to other implant surfaces. Several studies confirm and support the clinical benefits of the conductive properties of TiUniteTM, allowing bone and soft tissue to adhere along the implant surface and into the pores of the surface. This results in faster osseointegration and higher biological stability, thus minimizing time at risk for effective and safe Immediate FunctionTM. The clinical implications of TiUnite as Immdiate FunctionTM, reduced marginal bone loss, soft tissue integration and predictable esthetics will be discussed. In addition the scientific evidence of micro grooves along the threads and around the implant shoulder will be given. The introduction of the Groovy technology provides yet another step in implant development. With this technology, the speed of osseointegration can be further increased. The biological stability is enhanced by up to 30% allowing the use of groovy implants in soft bone.