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Vital Bleaching


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

Different types of discoloration, some of displasic origin and others from acquired pathologies or tissue aging can be improved or sometimes fully corrected by bleaching. Bleaching aims to remove or treat several types of dark stains. The lecture will emphasize on the principles, application methods and potential indications of the various bleaching techniques at hand. All different bleaching protocols have potential to lighten tooth colour but not at the same level of efficacy; information will be provided as regard the likely indications for power / chair-side bleaching and other home bleaching methods. Attendees will also learn how to integrate chemical treatments in a comprehensive approach of aesthetics, which ultimately help us creating beautiful and attractive smiles without unnecessary tissue sacrifice.

Anterior Free-hand Bonding


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The dramatic improvement in the overall population oral health as well as the growing concern of patients for tissue preservation and dental aesthetics has rejuvenated 'free-hand bonding' and made it a primary treatment option for the anterior teeth. Today, composite resin restorations offer conservative, biological and esthetic solutions to many problems, which formerly could only be approached by expensive and more invasive ceramic restorations. However, composite systems are based on different layering concepts and as a consequence, the restoration esthetic potential is strictly linked to a perfect understanding of the shading concept and optical properties of the composite masses in relation with those of natural tissues.<br>Based on a thorough observation of natural esthetics and the application of the so-called 'natural layering', together with an appropriate selection of composite brands, the clinicians can produce beautiful natural like direct composite restorations. The lecture will cover fundamental knowledge about colour and optical properties of natural tissues, will overview the indications of composite restorations in the front teeth and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Insurance Coding and Inter-office Systems to Enhance Communication Between the Surgical and Restorative Offices. Effective Use of the Implant Coordinator


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

This program reviews the essential components and appointments required to complete implant cases. Operatory room setup, materials, procedures, and implant component inventory are illustrated. Liaison with the front office and dental lab require a system by the assistant to keep cases on time and on track. Methods to liaison with the front office and dental lab are illustrated to help the assistant keep cases tracked and on time. Scripted responses to common patient comments about are illustrated that positively promote the use of implants.

Staff Training Systems for the Clinical Assistants - Responsibilities for Each Team Member


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

This program reviews the essential components and appointments required to complete implant cases. Operatory room setup, materials, procedures, and implant component inventory are illustrated. Liaison with the front office and dental lab require a system by the assistant to keep cases on time and on track. Methods to liaison with the front office and dental lab are illustrated to help the assistant keep cases tracked and on time. Scripted responses to common patient comments about are illustrated that positively promote the use of implants.

Staff Training Systems for the Front Office - Responsibilities for Each Team Member


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

How to communicate with the prospective implant patient from initial phone call through diagnostic appointments and to case presentation. A system for the front office that presents an organized, professional approach to the patient. Appointment control, financial arrangements, and inter-office communication between the surgical and restorative offices are also illustrated as keys to developing the implant practice.

Treatment Planning and Prosthetic Procedures for Removable Implant Overdentures


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

Step by step procedures to successfully complete bar and attachment overdentures are illustrated and compared. Case cost analysis and fee determination are simplified using clinical examples. AND a revolutionary impression technique and centric bite registration procedure are illustrated that will simplify overdenture construction for the prosthetic zdentist.

Treatment Planning and Prosthetic Procedures for Fixed Restorations on Multiple Implants


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

Step by step procedures are shown in detail to fabrication implant supported fixed partial dentures or splint multiple implants together. Surgical template construction techniques, decision making rationale for splinting implants together or not, cement vs. screw retained preferences, cement selection, and retrieval of cement retained prostheses are illustrated in this program. Combination cases with implant and all ceramic esthetic restorations on natural teeth are also presented.

Treatment Planning and Prosthetic Procedures for Single Implant Crowns


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

The single posterior implant crown can be the most productive, profitable, and complaint-free procedure in dentistry. Methods for surgical template construction, implant placement, and streamlined prosthetics are explained in this program. Application and advantages of the Nobel Easy Abutment and Snappy Abutment are shown in step by step protocol as well as the rationale for a fixture level impression to employ pre-machined titanium or Procera ceramic abutments.

How to successfully evaluate and present cases, including determining fees; A proven protocol


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

This program reviews a succession of appointments to analyze cases for implant treatment. Beginning with the initial exam through diagnostic workup and case presentation, an organized method for evaluation is presented. Case presentation is a 'make it or break it' event requiring effective presentation skills and use of visual aids by the dentist or auxiliary team member. Various means of conveying this needed information are shown that will allow the patient to make an intelligent, informed decision about implant therapy and alternatives.

Restorative Implant Dentistry For the General Dentist - 4 Lecture Course Package (Includes 022-01 to 022-04)


Dr. Sam Strong


Program 1:<br>How to successfully evaluate, present, and determine fees for implant cases: A proven protocol<br><br>Program 2:<br>Treatment planning and prosthetic procedures for single posterior implant crowns<br><br>Program 3:<br>Treatment planning and prosthetic procedures for fixed restorations on multiple implants.<br><br>Program 4:<br>Treatment planning and prosthetic procedures for removable implant overdentures (bar and attachment retained).