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A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 6a) - Maximizing Aesthetic Potential: Restorative Challenges and Goals with Ideal and Non-Ideal Implant Placement


Dr. George Perri

36 min

Part 6a<br />Maximizing Aesthetic Potential: Restorative Challenges and Goals with Ideal and Non-Ideal Implant Placement

A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3b) - Surgical Guides: A Basic Look at the Goals and Issues


Dr. George Perri

18 min

Part 3b<br />Surgical Guides: A Basic Look at the Goals and Issues

A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides


Dr. George Perri

45 min

Part 3a<br />Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides

A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant


Dr. George Perri

25 min

Part 2a<br />An Overview of the Head of an Implant

A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 1b) - Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement


Dr. George Perri

42 min

Part 1b<br />Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement

Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Surgical and Prosthetic Keys to Success - Part 2


Dr. Tidu Mankoo

30 min

The purpose of this two part series on "Restoration of 'Failing Teeth' with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone" is to help you predictably achieve highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time. This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition. Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant? We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands? This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.

Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Surgical and Prosthetic Keys to Success - Part 1


Dr. Tidu Mankoo

57 min

The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.

Excellence in Dental Aesthetics: New Trends and Materials in Aesthetic Implantology


Luc Rutten MDT

34 min

Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design predictable beautiful smiles.<BR><BR>This presentation puts an emphasis on a close co-operation between prosthodontist, periodontist, implantologist and dental technician. In addition, a focus is placed on different surgical, clinical and prosthetic techniques to achieve successful aesthetics.<BR><BR>Material selection is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation and on implants. The aesthetic outcome and the natural appearance of the restoration depends on the skills of the dental technician. Understanding of the gingiva of the dental technician will be explained to re-create in a two-way communication an aesthetic end result. New concepts and trends with focus on zirconium dioxide and its excellent long-term behaviour and extraordinary mechanical properties, will be discussed to realize predictable natural oral aesthetics around implants.

Risks Endangering Bone Stability Around an Implant


Dr. Georg-H. Nentwig

79 min

The risks that endanger bone stability around an implant can be related to trauma, loading, anatomy, implant, reconstruction, or the patient. This lecture will provide hints and scientific background about each one of these aspects so that you can manage and even avoid these risks.<BR><BR>Bone stability is the key for long-term success of an implant. But, there are two areas that must be identified in maintaining this stability. We will emphasize the importance of the implant abutment area where the bone is adjacent to the soft tissue. This bone is critical for supporting the soft tissue and for ensuring the health of the soft tissue and avoiding bacterial contamination.<BR><BR>This lecture will show you what you can do to improve a weak bone to avoid an early functional mistake or failure of the total reconstruction. We figured out that we can add, after the static phase, after the second stage surgery, after the load has started, a bone training phase that can improve the original weak structures so much that you can rely on it's stability even if you apply a more risky restoration.<BR><BR>We will discuss how to avoid esthetic failues, an unpleasent situation for both the patient and the dentist, that are often due to lack of bone right from the beginning.<BR><BR>Finally we will discuss the option to place an implant in a sub-crestal position which is only possible if you use an implant that has a stable cone connection. The cone connection will avoid any bacterial release, and will therefore avoide any bone loss in the cervical region caused by this bacteria contamination. With this concept we can achieve long lasting esthetic results.

Dental Photography - Level 1


Dr. Todd Schoenbaum

40 min

This program provides an overview of the basics of efficient, effective dental photography. Guidelines will be given for equipment selection, appropriate clinical techniques, and camera settings.<BR><BR>Also included are the basics of dental shade photography, use of contrastors, and patient communication. The goal of this program is provide an efficient framework for the beginning dental photographer to select and use their equipment accurately and efficiently.