Zirconia Based Restorations for Esthetic Results and Longevity
Dr. Stefan Paul
This lecture will discuss current aesthetic and technical aspects of using zirconia frameworks for tooth and implant retained all ceramic restorations.
Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures
Endodontic Access and Negotiation - Breaking & Entering
Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan
Technological advances in shaping and filling root canal systems have resulted in extremely consistent and ideal outcomes making those procedures more science than art form. However, cutting access cavities, finding all the canals in a tooth, and negotiating them to their full apical extents still requires developed skills and careful attention to detail. Ironically, many clinicians consider the access preparation and root canal negotiation those things we do to get to the important stuff afterwards this is ironic because when a mistake occurs during these initial phases in treatment it is often impossible to recover. Loss of structural integrity, perforations, missed canals, blocked canals, ledged canals and broken files are just some of the negative outcomes that occur when access and negotiation procedures go awry.<br><br>With adequate radiographs, the right access instruments, ultrasonic handpieces, lubricants, apex locators, and a predictable negotiating technique, artful outcomes can and should be the expected result when we head into a root canal space. Dr. Buchanan will show, in a step-by-step manner, the concepts, instruments, and techniques needed to set the stage for endodontic success using CT reconstructions of endodontic anatomy, video footage shot through an operating microscope, and radiographs of clinical cases.
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Lecture III
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone<br>This advanced surgical and prosthetic course will outline the author's contemporary concepts in management of single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone with a view to achieving optimum long term aesthetics and stability. The topic is divided into 3 consecutive lectures designed to be taken as a series. The emphasis will be on the diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical management and an understanding and application of the biological factors that influence our treatment outcomes. The cases will range form simple to complex single tooth cases in both healed ridge and extraction situations following onto the management of multiple adjacent implants, large cases and full arch/full mouth restoration.<br><br>Lecture III:<br>This lecture will deal with multiple and adjacent tooth restoration in healed sites, in immediate replacement and in compromised cases
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Lecture II
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone<br>This advanced surgical and prosthetic course will outline the author's contemporary concepts in management of single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone with a view to achieving optimum long term aesthetics and stability. The topic is divided into 3 consecutive lectures designed to be taken as a series. The emphasis will be on the diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical management and an understanding and application of the biological factors that influence our treatment outcomes. The cases will range form simple to complex single tooth cases in both healed ridge and extraction situations following onto the management of multiple adjacent implants, large cases and full arch/full mouth restoration.<br><br>Lecture II:<br>This lecture will deal with immediate implant cases, immediate tooth replacement and implant replacement into complex and compromised extraction sites with a view to optimising the aesthetic outcome. Different forms of provisionalisation will be demonstrated. Advantages and limitations of the technique will be discussed along with the use of a different implant and abutment designs. Concepts for maintenance of soft tissue architecture and stability will be presented.
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Lecture I
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone<br>This advanced surgical and prosthetic course will outline the author's contemporary concepts in management of single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone with a view to achieving optimum long term aesthetics and stability. The topic is divided into 3 consecutive lectures designed to be taken as a series. The emphasis will be on the diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical management and an understanding and application of the biological factors that influence our treatment outcomes. The cases will range form simple to complex single tooth cases in both healed ridge and extraction situations following onto the management of multiple adjacent implants, large cases and full arch/full mouth restoration.<br><br>Lecture I:<br>This lecture will present the different techniques to enhance the aesthetic emergence profile of the implant site and the health of the peri-implant tissues. Oral plastic surgical procedures like connective tissue augmentation, mucogingival treatment and special soft tissue flap designs for predictable bone graft coverage will be presented. New techniques for uncovering of implants with hydrokinetic laser therapy without local anesthesia will also be shown.
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone (3 Lecture Series)
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
Achieving Ultimate Aesthetics with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone<br>This advanced surgical and prosthetic course will outline the author's contemporary concepts in management of single tooth implants in the aesthetic zone with a view to achieving optimum long term aesthetics and stability. The topic is divided into 3 consecutive lectures designed to be taken as a series. The emphasis will be on the diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical management and an understanding and application of the biological factors that influence our treatment outcomes. The cases will range form simple to complex single tooth cases in both healed ridge and extraction situations following onto the management of multiple adjacent implants, large cases and full arch/full mouth restoration.<br><br>Lecture I:<br>This lecture will present the different techniques to enhance the aesthetic emergence profile of the implant site and the health of the peri-implant tissues. Oral plastic surgical procedures like connective tissue augmentation, mucogingival treatment and special soft tissue flap designs for predictable bone graft coverage will be presented. New techniques for uncovering of implants with hydrokinetic laser therapy without local anesthesia will also be shown.<br><br>Lecture II:<br>This lecture will deal with immediate implant cases, immediate tooth replacement and implant replacement into complex and compromised extraction sites with a view to optimising the aesthetic outcome. Different forms of provisionalisation will be demonstrated. Advantages and limitations of the technique will be discussed along with the use of a different implant and abutment designs. Concepts for maintenance of soft tissue architecture and stability will be presented. <br><br>Lecture III:<br>This lecture will deal with multiple and adjacent tooth restoration in healed sites, in immediate replacement and in compromised cases.
Anterior Esthetic Implant Treatment
Dr. Bernard Touati
This lecture will outline the concepts in the optimization of esthetic results on implants with a biological approach. The author will stress the need to clinically obtain long-lasting health and stability of the surrounding soft tissues which should be achieved predictably in each and every surgical and restorative implant treatment. The lecture will cover biologically designed abutments, transmucosal biocompatibility of restorative materials, submergence/emergence profiles, connections/disconnections of prosthetic parts, scanning or impression of abutments connected during 1st stage surgery, and explore treatment options from diagnostic models through immediate provisionals to the optimal definitive ceramic-based restorations. The cases will range from single to multiple implants, in complex or simple situations in healed or extraction sites.
Endo or Implant - Rational decision making from an Endodontist's viewpoint
Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan
As an Endodontists who places implants, Dr. Buchanan presents a uniquely balanced argument for when to save teeth with endodontic therapy and when the patient will be better served by replacement of the tooth with an implant. Dr. Buchanan will first explain the procedural advances available from endodontic specialists to save many teeth previously thought to be unsalvageable, including microsurgery, MTA root repair material, ultrasonics, and state-of-the-art shaping, cleaning, and 3D obturation technology. Then he will discuss how the structural integrity of roots greatly affects the long term prognosis of endodontically-treated teeth and methods for maintaining the inherent strength of teeth being saved with RCT. Finally, Dr. Buchanan will explore the advantages and satisfaction of a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment planning with an emphasis on the new trend of endodontists to view themselves as understructure specialists.