A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
Dr. George Perri
Part 3a<br />Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 2a<br />An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 1b<br />Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on "Restoration of 'Failing Teeth' with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone" is to help you predictably achieve highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time. This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition. Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant? We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands? This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.
CAD/CAM Fabricated Complete Dentures: From Concept to Reality
Dr. Charles Goodacre
This presentation will show the procedures used to record the clinical information needed for the fabrication of conventional complete dentures using CAD/CAM technology as well as the fabrication process itself.<BR><BR>Recently, the technology has been applied to implant overdentures and fixed complete arch provisional prostheses used in conjunction with the immediate loading of dental implants and these procedures are shown.
The Biodynamics of Osseointegration Facts and Clinical Implications
Dr. Peter Schupbach
Dental implants are placed into the alveolar bone, with the expectation that they become osseointegrated and that the periimplant mucosa will heal to the abutment surface and fulfill the primary functions of the periodontal tissues, which are attachment and protection of the soft tissue and the underlying bone.<BR><BR>This requires that the rather rigid ankylotic like connection between implant and bone replaces functionally the sophisticated suspension via the periodontal ligament as offered by the evolution and, that the structural framework of the periimplant mucosa matches the architecture of the gingiva. <BR><BR>The context of an understanding of the elicited host site interfacial healing response will be reiterated for the time period immediately following implant placement up to long term behavior. The role of the implants
Dr. Todd Schoenbaum
This program provides an overview of the basics of efficient, effective dental photography. Guidelines will be given for equipment selection, appropriate clinical techniques, and camera settings.<BR><BR>Also included are the basics of dental shade photography, use of contrastors, and patient communication. The goal of this program is provide an efficient framework for the beginning dental photographer to select and use their equipment accurately and efficiently.
Implant-Assisted Orthodontics: Moving Toward a Better Tomorrow
Dr. Frank Celenza
The use of implants and miniscrews to provide the anchorage necessary for optimal clinical outcomes is an accepted and effective modality. The techniques of
Retreatment in Endodontics - From Difficult to Complicated Cases
Dr. Constantinos Laghios
In this lecture we will describe the relationship of the root canal anatomy to the lesions that are developed at the periradicular area.<BR><BR>We will also give all the details how to remove safely different kind of materials like gutta-percha, silver cones, broken instruments, posts and pastes.<BR><BR>Details will be given as to avoid any mistakes that would possibly endanger the retreatment perforations and absorptions will be treated in a fast, predictable and simple way.