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Clinical Pharmacology - What Every Dentist Should Know


Dr. Anthony Feck

88 min

Modern dentistry has expanded the arsenal of services to restore patients oral health and cosmetic needs like never before. These changes have corresponded to an increasingly complex medical environment where patients are presenting at a more advanced age, with more medical conditions, and taking more medications. Understanding the pharmacology as it relates to their systems and how the drugs they are taking, as well as those we intend to administer affect the patient, one another, and our planned treatment is necessary for a safe and successful outcome to our planned care.

Treating the Medically Complex Patient


Dr. Adi Garfunkel

60 min

&#8226 What is the dental-medical approach to the hypertensive patient?<br> &#8226 Could we treat patients with medication induced bleeding tendency?<br> &#8226 The use of adrenalin in local anesthesia constitutes at times a contradictory subject. How do we deal with this question?<br>

Digitizing Your Practice


Dr. Lorne Lavine

120 min

The course will assist dentists in developing a plan to create a digital or chartless practice. We will look at the six components of a digital practice and how to make intelligent decisions for purchasing each component. We will also look at the process to integrate all of these components together.

Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, A Realistic Alternative to Bone Grafting<br>


Dr. Ulf Wikesjo

90 min

Surgical placement of oral implants is governed by the prosthetic design and by the morphology and quality of the alveolar bone. Often, implant placement may be difficult, if at all possible, due to alveolar ridge aberrations. In consequence, prostheticly dictated implant positioning commonly entails bone augmentation procedures. One objective of our laboratory is to evaluate the biologic and clinical potential of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) including rhBMP-2, rhOP-1/rhBMP-7, rhGDF-5, other candidate biologics, bone biomaterials, and devices for alveolar ridge augmentation and implant fixation. This presentation will discuss the unique biologic potential, the clinical relevance and perspectives of BMP technologies for alveolar bone augmentation and oral implant fixation, in particular the development of a unique bone-inductive oral implant. This presentation will also address merits and explain short-comings of current treatment protocol including bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration (GBR). BMPs have an unparalleled potential to augment alveolar bone and support implant osseointegration and long-term functional loading. Inclusion of BMPs for alveolar augmentation and osseointegration will not only enhance predictability of existing clinical protocol but radically change current treatment paradigms. Inclusion of the bone-inductive oral implant in the treatment panorama may make 'grafting' and GBR procedures altogether obsolete.

Endodontic Access and Negotiation - Breaking & Entering


Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

90 min

Technological advances in shaping and filling root canal systems have resulted in extremely consistent and ideal outcomes making those procedures more science than art form. However, cutting access cavities, finding all the canals in a tooth, and negotiating them to their full apical extents still requires developed skills and careful attention to detail. Ironically, many clinicians consider the access preparation and root canal negotiation those things we do to get to the important stuff afterwards this is ironic because when a mistake occurs during these initial phases in treatment it is often impossible to recover. Loss of structural integrity, perforations, missed canals, blocked canals, ledged canals and broken files are just some of the negative outcomes that occur when access and negotiation procedures go awry.<br><br>With adequate radiographs, the right access instruments, ultrasonic handpieces, lubricants, apex locators, and a predictable negotiating technique, artful outcomes can and should be the expected result when we head into a root canal space. Dr. Buchanan will show, in a step-by-step manner, the concepts, instruments, and techniques needed to set the stage for endodontic success using CT reconstructions of endodontic anatomy, video footage shot through an operating microscope, and radiographs of clinical cases.

Endo or Implant - Rational decision making from an Endodontist's viewpoint


Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

90 min

As an Endodontists who places implants, Dr. Buchanan presents a uniquely balanced argument for when to save teeth with endodontic therapy and when the patient will be better served by replacement of the tooth with an implant. Dr. Buchanan will first explain the procedural advances available from endodontic specialists to save many teeth previously thought to be unsalvageable, including microsurgery, MTA root repair material, ultrasonics, and state-of-the-art shaping, cleaning, and 3D obturation technology. Then he will discuss how the structural integrity of roots greatly affects the long term prognosis of endodontically-treated teeth and methods for maintaining the inherent strength of teeth being saved with RCT. Finally, Dr. Buchanan will explore the advantages and satisfaction of a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment planning with an emphasis on the new trend of endodontists to view themselves as understructure specialists.

Insurance Coding and Inter-office Systems to Enhance Communication Between the Surgical and Restorative Offices. Effective Use of the Implant Coordinator


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

This program reviews the essential components and appointments required to complete implant cases. Operatory room setup, materials, procedures, and implant component inventory are illustrated. Liaison with the front office and dental lab require a system by the assistant to keep cases on time and on track. Methods to liaison with the front office and dental lab are illustrated to help the assistant keep cases tracked and on time. Scripted responses to common patient comments about are illustrated that positively promote the use of implants.

Staff Training Systems for the Clinical Assistants - Responsibilities for Each Team Member


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

This program reviews the essential components and appointments required to complete implant cases. Operatory room setup, materials, procedures, and implant component inventory are illustrated. Liaison with the front office and dental lab require a system by the assistant to keep cases on time and on track. Methods to liaison with the front office and dental lab are illustrated to help the assistant keep cases tracked and on time. Scripted responses to common patient comments about are illustrated that positively promote the use of implants.

Staff Training Systems for the Front Office - Responsibilities for Each Team Member


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

How to communicate with the prospective implant patient from initial phone call through diagnostic appointments and to case presentation. A system for the front office that presents an organized, professional approach to the patient. Appointment control, financial arrangements, and inter-office communication between the surgical and restorative offices are also illustrated as keys to developing the implant practice.

Treatment Planning and Prosthetic Procedures for Removable Implant Overdentures


Dr. Sam Strong

90 min

Step by step procedures to successfully complete bar and attachment overdentures are illustrated and compared. Case cost analysis and fee determination are simplified using clinical examples. AND a revolutionary impression technique and centric bite registration procedure are illustrated that will simplify overdenture construction for the prosthetic zdentist.