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Predictable Anterior Aesthetics with Veneers - Interdisciplinary Approach


Dr. Galip Gurel

90 min

Creating the precision in terms of the preparation, fit and the aesthetic final outcome with veneer restorations needs a detailed treatment plan which is unique to each case. Designing a new smile for a patient consists of many steps which are very important and if followed correctly, produce predictable success. The key to aesthetic excellence requires patient communication as well as the communication with the laboratory and the specialists from the beginning of the case till the end. This presentation will help the clinician to understand the clinical steps as well the patient communication steps.<br><br>In todays dentistry success depends on an interdisciplinary team work. Every member of the team (including the specialists, lab technicians and the patient) should be aware of the treatment planning and the end result from the beginning. Every effort should be spent to bring the teeth to their natural position on the dental arch, hence creating enough space for the restoration to be received so that the aim should be minimum tooth preparation.<br><br>After that stage, in order to achieve a very precise and predictable tooth preparation, wax-up, silicon indexes and related techniques such as APR (Aesthetic Pre Recontouring), APT (Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporaries) and preparation through the APTs are extremely crucial. This eliminates all the possible mistakes and destruction of the depth cutters that could have been done if the tooth was to be prepared without realizing the aging affects on the enamel (volumetric enamel loss) or their inappropriate teeth positions on the dental arch

Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, A Realistic Alternative to Bone Grafting<br>


Dr. Ulf Wikesjo

90 min

Surgical placement of oral implants is governed by the prosthetic design and by the morphology and quality of the alveolar bone. Often, implant placement may be difficult, if at all possible, due to alveolar ridge aberrations. In consequence, prostheticly dictated implant positioning commonly entails bone augmentation procedures. One objective of our laboratory is to evaluate the biologic and clinical potential of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) including rhBMP-2, rhOP-1/rhBMP-7, rhGDF-5, other candidate biologics, bone biomaterials, and devices for alveolar ridge augmentation and implant fixation. This presentation will discuss the unique biologic potential, the clinical relevance and perspectives of BMP technologies for alveolar bone augmentation and oral implant fixation, in particular the development of a unique bone-inductive oral implant. This presentation will also address merits and explain short-comings of current treatment protocol including bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration (GBR). BMPs have an unparalleled potential to augment alveolar bone and support implant osseointegration and long-term functional loading. Inclusion of BMPs for alveolar augmentation and osseointegration will not only enhance predictability of existing clinical protocol but radically change current treatment paradigms. Inclusion of the bone-inductive oral implant in the treatment panorama may make 'grafting' and GBR procedures altogether obsolete.

New Advances In Soft Tissue Esthetics Around Teeth and Implants


Dr. Eric van Dooren

60 min

New Advances In Soft Tissue Esthetics Around Teeth and Implants

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Natural Teeth


Dr. Eric van Dooren

90 min

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Natural Teeth

Perio-prosthetic Considerations Around Dental Implants


Dr. Eric van Dooren

82 min

Perio-Prosthetic Considerations Around Dental Implants<br>This course will discuss surgical and restorative concepts, procedures and solutions to improve the soft tissue emergence profile of implant and pontic sites in single implant restorations and implant bridges. The restorative choice of implant design and abutment material will be discussed and particularly the evidence of using Zirconia abutments as stable base for soft tissue esthetics and long term implant results.<br><br>The concept of using a concave or flat preplanned abutment via the cad-cam route and via the prefabricated route will be discussed and the steps preventing removal of abutments during the restorative phase.<br><br>This course will teach the restorative dentist the new concepts of zirconia abutment materials, the concave or flat abutment design and the immediate or early placement of the final abutment.

Posterior Composites Restorations (Direct and Semidirect Techniques)


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The reduction in the carious disease incidence and the growing concern of patients for potential toxicity of metals and for dental aesthetics, have called the profession for developing restorative options adapted to new demands. Composites and adhesive techniques have then become the foundation of modern restorative dentistry, following tremendous improvements in material mechanical performances, wear resistance and aesthetic potential. Composite resins are currently used in a broad range of situations, including the treatment of initial decay to the restoration of extended and serial cavities, or the adhesive luting of ceramic work-pieces. However, polymerisation shrinkage of the resin matrix remains a crucial problem and still imposes certain limitations for the use of direct techniques. Therefore, other restorative options such as semidirect and indirect techniques have to be considered for large and deep cavity configurations. The lecture will overview decision criteria for the treatment of posterior teeth, the main restorative options at hand and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Vital Bleaching


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

Different types of discoloration, some of displasic origin and others from acquired pathologies or tissue aging can be improved or sometimes fully corrected by bleaching. Bleaching aims to remove or treat several types of dark stains. The lecture will emphasize on the principles, application methods and potential indications of the various bleaching techniques at hand. All different bleaching protocols have potential to lighten tooth colour but not at the same level of efficacy; information will be provided as regard the likely indications for power / chair-side bleaching and other home bleaching methods. Attendees will also learn how to integrate chemical treatments in a comprehensive approach of aesthetics, which ultimately help us creating beautiful and attractive smiles without unnecessary tissue sacrifice.

Anterior Free-hand Bonding


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The dramatic improvement in the overall population oral health as well as the growing concern of patients for tissue preservation and dental aesthetics has rejuvenated 'free-hand bonding' and made it a primary treatment option for the anterior teeth. Today, composite resin restorations offer conservative, biological and esthetic solutions to many problems, which formerly could only be approached by expensive and more invasive ceramic restorations. However, composite systems are based on different layering concepts and as a consequence, the restoration esthetic potential is strictly linked to a perfect understanding of the shading concept and optical properties of the composite masses in relation with those of natural tissues.<br>Based on a thorough observation of natural esthetics and the application of the so-called 'natural layering', together with an appropriate selection of composite brands, the clinicians can produce beautiful natural like direct composite restorations. The lecture will cover fundamental knowledge about colour and optical properties of natural tissues, will overview the indications of composite restorations in the front teeth and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Endodontic Access and Negotiation - Breaking & Entering


Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

90 min

Technological advances in shaping and filling root canal systems have resulted in extremely consistent and ideal outcomes making those procedures more science than art form. However, cutting access cavities, finding all the canals in a tooth, and negotiating them to their full apical extents still requires developed skills and careful attention to detail. Ironically, many clinicians consider the access preparation and root canal negotiation those things we do to get to the important stuff afterwards this is ironic because when a mistake occurs during these initial phases in treatment it is often impossible to recover. Loss of structural integrity, perforations, missed canals, blocked canals, ledged canals and broken files are just some of the negative outcomes that occur when access and negotiation procedures go awry.<br><br>With adequate radiographs, the right access instruments, ultrasonic handpieces, lubricants, apex locators, and a predictable negotiating technique, artful outcomes can and should be the expected result when we head into a root canal space. Dr. Buchanan will show, in a step-by-step manner, the concepts, instruments, and techniques needed to set the stage for endodontic success using CT reconstructions of endodontic anatomy, video footage shot through an operating microscope, and radiographs of clinical cases.

Endo or Implant - Rational decision making from an Endodontist's viewpoint


Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

90 min

As an Endodontists who places implants, Dr. Buchanan presents a uniquely balanced argument for when to save teeth with endodontic therapy and when the patient will be better served by replacement of the tooth with an implant. Dr. Buchanan will first explain the procedural advances available from endodontic specialists to save many teeth previously thought to be unsalvageable, including microsurgery, MTA root repair material, ultrasonics, and state-of-the-art shaping, cleaning, and 3D obturation technology. Then he will discuss how the structural integrity of roots greatly affects the long term prognosis of endodontically-treated teeth and methods for maintaining the inherent strength of teeth being saved with RCT. Finally, Dr. Buchanan will explore the advantages and satisfaction of a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment planning with an emphasis on the new trend of endodontists to view themselves as understructure specialists.