A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
Dr. George Perri
Part 3a<br />Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 2a<br />An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 1b<br />Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on "Restoration of 'Failing Teeth' with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone" is to help you predictably achieve highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time. This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition. Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant? We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands? This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.
The Biodynamics of Osseointegration Facts and Clinical Implications
Dr. Peter Schupbach
Dental implants are placed into the alveolar bone, with the expectation that they become osseointegrated and that the periimplant mucosa will heal to the abutment surface and fulfill the primary functions of the periodontal tissues, which are attachment and protection of the soft tissue and the underlying bone.<BR><BR>This requires that the rather rigid ankylotic like connection between implant and bone replaces functionally the sophisticated suspension via the periodontal ligament as offered by the evolution and, that the structural framework of the periimplant mucosa matches the architecture of the gingiva. <BR><BR>The context of an understanding of the elicited host site interfacial healing response will be reiterated for the time period immediately following implant placement up to long term behavior. The role of the implants
Dr. Todd Schoenbaum
This program provides an overview of the basics of efficient, effective dental photography. Guidelines will be given for equipment selection, appropriate clinical techniques, and camera settings.<BR><BR>Also included are the basics of dental shade photography, use of contrastors, and patient communication. The goal of this program is provide an efficient framework for the beginning dental photographer to select and use their equipment accurately and efficiently.
Unusual TMD Cases - Unusual Treatment
Dr. Ilia Roussou
In this lecture, we will discuss unusual Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) cases and unusual treatments.<BR><BR>We will focus specifically on occlusion and how the relationship of the dental arches interacts with the stability of the Stomatognathic system.<BR><BR>Occlusion is one of the most demanding aspects of dentistry, we all know about the term occlusion confusion.<BR><BR>Although occlusion used to be the main etiological factor for Temporomandibular Disorders and many dental treatments were performed in order to address the pain symptoms, nowadays the literature suggest that the static relationship of the dental arches is rarely the etiological factor for an intracapsular TM joint disorders or a masticatory muscles disorders, In some cases though, were the occlusion compromises the orthopedic stability of the stomatognathic system, once the pain symptoms are treated the dental problem needs to be investigated as a possible etiological factor of the TMD symptoms.
Implant placement in fresh extraction sockets. Key decision factors
Prof. Mariano Sanz
It is well established that tooth extraction will result in an apico-coronal as well as bucco-lingual reduction of the alveolar ridge, mostly in the buccal aspects of the extraction site.<BR><BR>In order to avoid this physiological bone loss some clinicians have advocated the immediate installation of implants in fresh extraction sockets. Different clinical studies have evaluated the impact of this implant placement surgical approach on different outcomes, such as: implant survival, bone crest alterations and aesthetic results.<BR><BR>However, in spite of these reports, there is a lack of well-designed clinical trials that have evaluated these outcomes systematically and there is a lack of knowledge on the possible factors associated with different hard and soft tissue outcomes of this surgical protocol.<BR><BR>This presentation will review the results from clinical trials evaluating the immediate implant placement approach and we hall review the important risk factors (implant design, implant position, implant location, thickness of bony walls, etc.) involved in the clinical outcome.<BR><BR>Finally we shall provide some clinical recommendations on the use of this surgical approach.
Predictable Soft Tissue Grafting for Esthetics in Thin Periodontium
Dr. Paul Lin
This presentation will discuss the thin periodontium and how to utilize this to achieve predictable soft tissue grafting for esthetics.<br /><br />Soft tissue grafting by root coverage and augmentation can improve the facial esthetics not just for natural teeth, but also for implants.<br /><br />By utilizing the same concept of placing the soft tissue on the thin periodontium we can help augment the tissue around implants and dentures and improve and enhance the facial esthetics.<br /><br />Animations will illustrate this concept and provide insight as to how we take the soft tissue away from the pallate and harvest it in an elegant, more predictable fashion.<br /><br />This will also show how to secure the covering flap so the patient will not experience any pain after the surgery.<br /><br />This presentation is intended to increase your understanding, comfort and confidence in performing soft tissue grafting in a more predictable way.