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Anterior Free-hand Bonding


Dr. Didier Dietschi

90 min

The dramatic improvement in the overall population oral health as well as the growing concern of patients for tissue preservation and dental aesthetics has rejuvenated 'free-hand bonding' and made it a primary treatment option for the anterior teeth. Today, composite resin restorations offer conservative, biological and esthetic solutions to many problems, which formerly could only be approached by expensive and more invasive ceramic restorations. However, composite systems are based on different layering concepts and as a consequence, the restoration esthetic potential is strictly linked to a perfect understanding of the shading concept and optical properties of the composite masses in relation with those of natural tissues.<br>Based on a thorough observation of natural esthetics and the application of the so-called 'natural layering', together with an appropriate selection of composite brands, the clinicians can produce beautiful natural like direct composite restorations. The lecture will cover fundamental knowledge about colour and optical properties of natural tissues, will overview the indications of composite restorations in the front teeth and will provide a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Complications in Dentoalveolar Surgery


Dr. Earl Freymiller

90 min

Although the risks of complications associated with dentoalveolar surgery can oftentimes be greatly reduced, they cannot be completely eliminated. It is impossible to practice dentoalveolar surgery without experiencing the occasional complication. In the course of this lecture, the more common complications will be discussed in detail, as well as some less commonly encountered complications that have the potential for serious consequences. The lecture will specifically focus on ways to prevent or reduce the risk of various complications, how to recognize complications when they occur, and appropriate methods of treatment

Challenging Composite Restoration With Free-Hand-Bonding - An Illusion Became Reality


Dr. Didier Dietschi

60 min

The growing concern of patients for tissue preservation and oral aesthetics has rejuvenated 'free-hand bonding with composites' and made it a primary treatment option for the anterior teeth. This lecture covers fundamental knowledge about color and optical properties, different treatment options with composite restorations, and provides a comprehensive description of clinical procedures.

Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant


Dr. Stefan Paul

8 min


Immediate implant temporization of a single anterior dental implant

Staged temporization of multiple dental implants in a partially edentulous patient


Dr. Stefan Paul

6 min


Staged temporization of multiple dental implants in a partially edentulous patient