Browse Education
Browse Education
4-Day Advanced Implant & Regeneration Course in Los Angeles
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic & Dr. Dennis Hunt
4-Day Soft Tissue Implant Master Session in Los Angeles
Drs. Jovanovic, Kan & Madison
4-Day Soft Tissue Implant Master Session in Vienna
Drs. Jovanovic, Euwe & Fabbri
3-Day Prosthetic Course in Cattolica, Italy
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
4-Day Implant Master Session in Amsterdam
Drs. Jovanovic, Fabbri & Blom
4-Day Implant Master Session in Los Angeles
Drs. Jovanovic, Kan & Madison
2-Day Full Arch Course in Los Angeles
Drs. Polido, Madison and Jovanovic
4-Day Implant Master Session in Sydney
Drs. Jovanovic & Liddelow
2-Day Hands-On Digital Workshop in Los Angeles
Drs. Jovanovic, Gregoric, Madison and Aghvinian, Cdt
4-Day Advanced Soft Tissue Master Session
April 8 - 11, 2025 in Los Angeles with
Drs Sascha Jovanovic, Miles Madison & Joseph Kan
gIDE Video Streaming Platform
Evidence Based Video Education at its best.
• 550+ Clinical Videos on Web and App
• New Dental Videos Added Weekly
• Implants, Periodontics, Esthetics & Digital
• For General Dentists & Specialists
• Reduced Pricing on Classroom Training
4-Day Advanced Implant Placement & Tissue Regeneration: Implants, GBR, Soft Tissue, Sinus Grafting & Periimplantitis
March 4 - 7, 2025
in Los Angeles with Drs Sascha Jovanovic & Dennis Hunt
Predictable Full Arch Immediacy – Surgical Steps for Optimal Results and Efficiency
June 6 - 7, 2025 in Los Angeles
with Drs Waldemar Polido, Miles Madison & Sascha Jovanovic
Digital Workflow for Full Arch to Single Implant Treatment: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Stress
with Drs Sascha A. Jovanovic, Natasa Gregoric, Miles Madison and Raffi Aghvinian, CDT
Sept 13 - 14, 2025
in Los Angeles
1 Year Implant Master Clinician Programs
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Dental CE at it’s best. 600+ Clinical Videos at your fingertips
New Members: $399 for 1st Year | $49 Monthly
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If the item is still sealed in the original packaging, gIDE will exchange it or offer a refund based on the original method of payment. Products from opened packages will only be exchanged if deemed defective.
The cancellation fee is $750 up to forty-five (45) days prior to each program. After that date, there will be no refunds. As a courtesy, registrants can make a one-time date change within a 12 month period, space permitting.
Registrations received during cyber-monday sales are non-refundable. gIDE may cancel scheduled courses up to thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled start of the course if certain attendance minimums are not met. gIDE is not responsible for reimbursing prepaid (including non-refundable) customer travel costs. It is recommended that customers who elect to incur travel costs for a training course, schedule and purchase airfare and hotel accommodations with this in mind.
Dates and locations are subject to change.
Initial deposit is non-refundable.
Initial deposit and 1st installment payment are non-refundable after Session I.
All payments received prior to Session III are non-refundable regardless of participation during sessions III and IV.
In special circumstances, course completion postponement may be approved by gIDE. In such cases, fees may be applied. Refund policy is applied based on date of first enrollment.
Dates and locations are subject to change.
All appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the highest level of safety for faculty, staff, and participants. At all times gIDE will be fully adhering to the regulations of the local government, official health departments, meeting venues, as well as best practices. This will include considerations to class size, the wearing of masks by all, and any other measures that promote safety.
gIDE can elect to cancel or postpone scheduled courses due to the health risks associated with the current pandemic and cannot be held responsible for reimbursing prepaid (including non-refundable) customer travel costs.
Advance Proof Of Vaccination or Negative PCR Test / Antigen Test 24-48 Hrs Before Program Start Date
In the case of a defective DVD, the product must be returned within seven (7) days and deemed defective by gIDE Customer Support in order to be eligible for a replacement.
If you discover what you believe is a product defect, please contact gIDE Customer Support at +1 310-696-9025. Such a defect, if any, is covered under the terms of your product"s warranty.
Please refer to the warranty information and other supporting documentation that was shipped with your order. (See Product Warranty section below for specific information about gIDE"s product warranties.)
Using a valid gIDE Account, you can select downloadable software products for purchase in the gIDE catalog. At the time of checkout, we will obtain an authorization on the credit card you have provided.
Once credit card authorization has been received, you will receive instructions in the form of a link to begin viewing your Lecture-on-Demand and/or Clinical Video.
If the transmission is interrupted in any way, you can use your gIDE account and password to begin the process again. Once you complete your order, you will receive a separate email acknowledgment that provides information about your purchase.
If gIDE cannot obtain authorization to charge the credit card submitted, gIDE will send instructions, via email, for completing the purchase. Please read the product information for Electronic Software carefully.
Software purchases are non-refundable. Electronic Software Sales Tax Applicable sales tax will be charged for software purchases where required by local law based on the jurisdiction in which the purchaser resides.
gIDE Institute bears no responsibility for the outcome of patient treatment skills & techniques that are learned from their programs.