Modern Approach to Tooth Preparation: Full Enamel Concept (From Drs Fabbri & Mintrone's Online Master Class in Prosthetic Rehabilitation on Natural Teeth)
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Modern Approach to Tooth Preparation: Full Enamel Concept
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants: Transferring the Ideal Soft Tissue Architecture to the Lab
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants: Transferring the Ideal Soft Tissue Architecture to the Lab
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants: Transferring the Ideal Soft Tissue Architecture to the Lab
The Influence of Modern Clinical Strategies on the Integration and Reliability of the Prosthetic Outcome
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
The Influence of Modern Clinical Strategies on the Integration and Reliability of the Prosthetic Outcome
A Novel Approach to Implant Screw-Retained Restorations
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
A Novel Approach to Implant Screw-Retained Restorations
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
The use of zirconia is an esthetic alternative to metal for implant supported frameworks and it is considered primarily for its high biocompatibility, low bacterial surface adhesion, high flexural strength, and high mechanical features due to the transformation toughening mechanism. The zirconia frameworks in fixed prosthetic restorations supported by implants is commonly covered with hand-layered overlay porcelain. This technical procedure is highly esthetic but it causes some complications such as fracture of the porcelain layers.The purpose of this lecture is to introduce an innovative approach for creating an esthetic fixed ceramic implant restoration to minimize and facilitate the repairing of these mechanical complications. This approach provides the combination of zirconia frameworks with lithium disilicate restorations cemented on the top with an adhesive cement in order to have final screw retained rehabilitations. This technique can be used both in cases of partial or complete rehabilitation and the topics that we will discuss are concerning the framework design that is a prosthetic design not anatomical design like in the case of a layered framework where it is important to maintain a uniform thickness of layered ceramic on the top. The manufacturing of monolithic lithium disilicate restorations both anteriorly and posteriorly, lithium disilicate is a material that doesn
The effect of Minimally Invasive Approaches on the reliability of Prosthetic Outcomes and the pros and cons of Monolithic Zirconia
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
The effect of Minimally Invasive Approaches on the reliability of Prosthetic Outcomes and the pros and cons of Monolithic Zirconia Dr. Giacomo Fabbri Cattolica, Italy Prosthodontist