Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Dr. Roland Glauser
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Dr. Roland Glauser
Full Digital Workflow - What has Changed? What will change?
Peri_implant soft tissue management
Dr. Roland Glauser
Peri_implant soft tissue management
Dr. Roland Glauser
Original protocols for placing and restoring dental implants included a strictly staged approach as the standard modus operandi.Following a submerged healing period, implants were connected to the oral environment with a so-called 2nd-stage surgery. Over the past 2 decades, implants placed immediately following tooth extraction as well as implants placed in demanding aesthetic conditions have been introduced as a standard treatment modality.With this, additional time points and techniques have been introduced to properly manage peri-implant soft tissues. This presentation will review original and current flap and tissue grafting techniques for a state-of-the-art site development.Furthermore, the clinical decision making on different time points for soft tissue management will be introduced.
Minimally Invasive Implant Surgery - Revolutionize Your Treatment Approach
Dr. Roland Glauser
Minimally Invasive Implant Surgery - Revolutionize Your Treatment Approach
Dr. Roland Glauser
This lecture will present the current thinking and techniques in implant treatment. How can we approach implant treatment with modern technology in a better way to increase patient acceptance and also to protect and maintain better tissue contours as compared to standard conventional protocols. The viewer will obtain information from this lecture that will bring a new perspective to how you approach implant treatment in your own practice.
Decision Making in Selecting the Appropriate Implant Loading Protocol
Dr. Roland Glauser
Decision Making in Selecting the Appropriate Implant Loading Protocol
Dr. Roland Glauser
Decision Making in Selecting the Appropriate Implant Loading Protocol
Guided Implant Surgery - A New Dimension in Surgical Precision
Dr. Roland Glauser
Guided Implant Surgery - A New Dimension in Surgical Precision
Dr. Roland Glauser
Today, dental implants are used to support all different kinds of restorations (fixed vs removable, single-tooth replacement vs partial or full-arch restorations). As a consequence, pre-operative diagnostics are considered to be the foundation of a precise as well as a restoration driven implant placement. Intra-operatively, surgical stents and other visual aids are routinely used to transfer the planned 3-dimensional implant position into the surgical field. However, traditional surgical templates are mostly used to re-check drilling steps and the finally established implant position only on a visual basis. Therefore, local anatomic conditions (bone defects, etc.), limited surgical skills, or simply a poor visual judgement may still lead to a compromised implant positioning. In contrast, a real guided implant surgery relates to a new generation of surgical template and offers a precise transfer of the planned implant position into the surgical field. Thereby, pre-operative planning and production of surgical templates are either model based (for single-tooth and small partial cases) or computer generated (long-span partial and edentulous cases). Overall, guided implant surgery reduces chairside time, morbidity, post-operative pain and swelling, and may also offer a flap-less surgical approach or an immediate restoration protocol. Hence, guided implant surgery may also be considered as a next level in quality assurance. This lecture discusses todays different options using either model based or CT-derived templates for guided implant surgery.
Restoring the Small Gap Using Implants
Dr. Roland Glauser
Restoring the Small Gap Using Implants
Dr. Roland Glauser
Today, dental implants are routinely used to restore missing teeth in all regions of the jaws. However, replacing single, small-sized teeth like upper lateral and lower incisors is often limited due to available mesio-distal space. The diameter of conventional, small platform 2-piece implants is mostly around 3,3 to 3,5 mm. With regard to neighbouring teeth, a minimal distance between implant and root of around 1,2-1.5 mm is recommended in order to maintain interproximal attachment levels at natural abutments. Thus, an overall mesio-distal gap size of at least 6 to 6,5 mm is needed when selecting conventional implants. With the introduction of 1-piece implants, now smaller diameters down to 3 mm are possible without jeopardizing the long-term fracture resistance. In combination with an adequate surgical and prosthetic protocol, these 1-piece implants represent a new treatment option for restoring small sized gaps with a mesio-distal width of down to 5 mm.
Aesthetic Results Using The Scalloped Implant Design
Dr. Sascha A. Jovanovic
Aesthetic Results Using The Scalloped Implant Design
The last few years have seen major advancements in biological understanding of peri-implant soft tissues, bone regenerative results and implant aesthetics. These advances have allowed a very precise 3-dimensional implant position and a predictable restorative result with natural beauty and gingival harmony. Results from 3 clinical centers with the new scalloped implant to maintain inter-implant bone and papilla tissues will be presented. A panel discussion will be moderated between the 3 presenters.
New Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Implant Patients and Short-Hand Protocols
Dr. Roland Glauser
New Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Implant Patients and Short-Hand Protocols
Dr. Roland Glauser
New Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Implant Patients and Short-Hand Protocols Dr. Roland Glauser Zürich, Switzerland Prosthodontist