
Implantoplasty: A Patient's Journey

Catalog Number:LOD-217-00

Authors: Dr. Egon Euwe

CE Credits: 1

Running Time: 35 min



This lecture follows a patient's journey to a procedure called implantoplasty. We will take you back in time to the year 2001, back when we treated our patient with an implant supported restoration. It's a fixed bridge, porcelain fused to metal, as these were typically treated 15-20 years ago. It was a passive fit, glued onto single abutments placed on five implants. The patient was wearing a traditional upper-denture with acrylic teeth and a lower fixed bridge with porcelain fused to metal. This caused excessive wear. Now there are better options which will be explained in this lecture. We can improve esthetics of the denture, and we can work with more modern and stronger materials in order to avoid the problem we faced years ago. The patient had also developed peri-implantitis at the site of one of her implants. This, of course, can be quite common. This lecture includes a clinical video that will show the surgical steps that were taken to treat this. The clinical video also includes a free gingival graft that was a part of the procedure. By the end, a stable result is achieved and maintained which will be shown in our patient's follow-up.

Release Date: June 22, 2013


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