
Severe Gingival Recession Treatment with Connective Tissue Grafts

Catalog Number:LOD-274-00

Authors: Dr. Nelson Carranza

CE Credits: 1

Running Time: 58 min



Gingival recessions are probably one of the most frustrating challenges that young surgeons and periodontists confront everyday. Gingival recessions

are not all the same, and require different approaches, depending on their characteristics. In this lecture, Dr. Carranza will share with you the way

to approach the treatment of severe gingival recession, with gingival connected tissue graphs.

Throughout this lecture, he will explain technical aspects that hopefully will help you decide which technique suits you better. He will also present a

short video with technical details about one of the techniques he will use when analyzing the double papilla graft technique.

Release Date: October 22, 2015


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