Single Tooth Replacement Revisited
Dr. Egon Euwe
Single Tooth Replacement Revisited
Dr. Egon Euwe
Single Tooth Replacement Revisited
The Biologic Prosthetic Interface in Modern Esthetic Implantology - Revealing the Hidden Secrets of the Transgingival Part
Dr. Egon Euwe
Dr. Egon Euwe
The Biologic Prosthetic Interface in Modern Esthetic Implantology - Revealing the Hidden Secrets of the Transgingival Part
Implantoplasty: A Patient's Journey
Dr. Egon Euwe
Implantoplasty: A Patient's Journey
Dr. Egon Euwe
This lecture follows a patient's journey to a procedure called implantoplasty. We will take you back in time to the year 2001, back when we treated our patient with an implant supported restoration. It's a fixed bridge, porcelain fused to metal, as these were typically treated 15-20 years ago. It was a passive fit, glued onto single abutments placed on five implants. The patient was wearing a traditional upper-denture with acrylic teeth and a lower fixed bridge with porcelain fused to metal. This caused excessive wear. Now there are better options which will be explained in this lecture. We can improve esthetics of the denture, and we can work with more modern and stronger materials in order to avoid the problem we faced years ago. The patient had also developed peri-implantitis at the site of one of her implants. This, of course, can be quite common. This lecture includes a clinical video that will show the surgical steps that were taken to treat this. The clinical video also includes a free gingival graft that was a part of the procedure. By the end, a stable result is achieved and maintained which will be shown in our patient's follow-up.
High End Implant Solutions for Patients with an Angle Class II Downhill Dentition
Dr. Egon Euwe
High End Implant Solutions for Patients with an Angle Class II Downhill Dentition
Dr. Egon Euwe
This lecture will discuss the treatment of a very difficult group of patients. Those patients presenting class II failing dentition
Advances in Post Extraction Single Tooth Implant Cases in the Esthetic Zone
Dr. Egon Euwe
Advances in Post Extraction Single Tooth Implant Cases in the Esthetic Zone
Dr. Egon Euwe
We have all been in the situation where we must extract a tooth with a problem, and replace it with an implant.What is the most predictable protocol for dealing with these cases? We actually know now that it is a mistake to try to fill the extraction socket completely with the implant body.So we have moved away from the implant size that would completely fill the extraction socket. And, now, instead, we leave space for the buccal bone. And, we must respect that space. Another important aspect is that the provisional is essential for shaping soft-tissue emergence. We have to do eveything we can to transfer this emergence to the final restorations. And, we have to know how to avoid collapse of the soft tissue envelope we have developed with this provisional. One of the treatment goals, beyond preservation of crestal bone, is also the shaping of the palatal area of the tooth. That should be done as accurately as the buccal portion.Cement rentention is a real danger, and we should be aware of that. By copying the shape of the provisional that has been extensively tested in the mouth of the patient onto the final restoration we have full control of the soft tissue contour around the implant supported resotration that mimicks the root and the shape of the natural tooth.So we really create the illusion of a natural tooth. Join Dr. Euwe as he discusse the advances in the field of post-extraction implant supported restorations.
Esthetic Fine Tuning in Complex Implant Cases
Dr. Egon Euwe
Esthetic Fine Tuning in Complex Implant Cases
Dr. Egon Euwe
This lecture will underline the importance of diagnostics. And based on the literature you will learn how best to place the implant and how to build up the soft tissue. Example cases involving a single tooth replacement, a partially edentulous patient, and a fully edentulous patient will be used. This presentation will also discuss the importance of provisionals: how to shape the tissue and how to transfer the final configuration to the lab technician where the final restoration will be made with metal-free CAD/CAM technology.
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management Around Implants
Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management During Implant Procedures
Natural Esthetics, and the Future of Restorations
Dr. Egon Euwe
Natural Esthetics, and the Future of Restorations
Dr. Egon Euwe
Natural Esthetics, and the Future of Restorations Dr. Egon Euwe Milan, Italy General and Implant Dentist
Soft tissue seal using a plug graft for extraction socket preservation
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft tissue seal using a plug graft for extraction socket preservation
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft tissue seal using a plug graft for extraction socket preservation
Surgical treatment of Periimplantitis with Implantoplasty
Dr. Egon Euwe
Surgical treatment of Periimplantitis with Implantoplasty
Dr. Egon Euwe
Surgical treatment of Periimplantitis with Implantoplasty
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 2) - Implants Restored Zirconia Implant Bridge
Dr. Egon Euwe
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 2) - Implants Restored Zirconia Implant Bridge
Dr. Egon Euwe
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 2) - Implants Restored Zirconia Implant Bridge
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 1) - Lateral Window - 2 Implants, 1 Post Extraction
Dr. Egon Euwe
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 1) - Lateral Window - 2 Implants, 1 Post Extraction
Dr. Egon Euwe
Sinus Elevation and GBR (Part 1) - Lateral Window - 2 Implants, 1 Post Extraction
Soft Tissue Management During Maxillary Implant Recovering
Dr. Egon Euwe
Soft Tissue Management During Maxillary Implant Recovering
Dr. Egon Euwe
This high-quality video demonstrates a 2nd stage uncovering soft tissue procedure of an 8 maxillary implant treatment.This video demonstrates the surgical option to increase the thickness of soft tissue and the width of keratinized tissue around implant abutments in a fully edentulous upper jaw. A split thickness flap preparation is demonstrated and the harvesting of 2 large connective tissue grafts to enhance the ridge width of the anterior maxilla. The patient is presented from initial start of treatment to the completed fixed prosthetic result and narrated throughout by Dr Egon Euwe.
Immediate Tooth Replacement Using Forced Orthodontic Extrusion
Dr. Egon Euwe
Immediate Tooth Replacement Using Forced Orthodontic Extrusion
Dr. Egon Euwe
This high-quality video demonstrates a minimal-invasive implant treatment of a patient for a hopeloss, fractured upper lateral incisor.This video includes the step for step of clinical treatment showing the application of forced orthodontic extrusion on a lateral incisor, the gain of soft and hard tissue volume, the subsequent atraumatic extraction and the surgical placement of a narrow platform dental implant and healing abutment without flap elevation. After an uneventful integration period, the detailed fabrication of a custom final zirkonia abutment is shown and the cementation of the final ceramic crown.
Extraction of fractured maxillary premolar treated with implant placement and simultaneous bone graft / membrane placement and immediate temporization
Dr. Egon Euwe
Dr. Egon Euwe
This high-quality video demonstrates the extraction of a fractured maxillary prelomar, the immediate placement of a single dental implant (NobelDirect 4.3 mm x 10 mm) using a full thickness flap elevation, a bone graft harvest with a bone scraper, a resorbable membrane placement and the immediate temporization with an acrylic restoration. The video footage shows the step-for-step from soft tissue management, bone preparation, surgical drill sequence, implant placement, bone graft and membrane placement, immediate temporization and final prosthetic treatment with 1 year radiographic follow-up.
Treatment of missing maxillary premolar with an One-Piece Dental Implant using a flapless approach
Dr. Egon Euwe
Treatment of missing maxillary premolar with an One-Piece Dental Implant using a flapless approach
Dr. Egon Euwe
This high-quality video demonstrates the surgical placement of a single dental implant (NobelDirect 4.3 mm x 13 mm) in the first premolar position of the maxilla using a flapless approach and immediate temporization for the replacement of a missing premolar. The video footage shows the step-for-step from soft tissue punch procedure, bone preparation with drills and bone condensers, surgical drill sequence, implant placement, immediate temporization and final prosthetic treatment with 1 year radiographic follow-up.
STREAM - Advanced Implant Therapy - Soft Tissue Management
Dr. Egon Euwe
STREAM - Advanced Implant Therapy - Soft Tissue Management
Dr. Egon Euwe
STREAM - Advanced Implant Therapy - Soft Tissue Management