Monolithic Zirconia Implant Supported Restorations
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Monolithic Zirconia Implant Supported Restorations
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Monolithic Zirconia Implant Supported Restorations
Advantages of the New Technologies in Prosthetic Dentistry (From Drs Fabbri & Mintrone's Online Master Class in Prosthetic Rehabilitation on Natural Teeth)
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Advantages of the New Technologies in Prosthetic Dentistry
New Paradigms in Digital Dentistry: Digital Patient Concept
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
New Paradigms in Digital Dentistry: Digital Patient Concept
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
New Paradigms in Digital Dentistry: Digital Patient Concept
Optimal Prosthetic Planning - Esthetic & Function
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Optimal Prosthetic Planning - Esthetic & Function
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Optimal Prosthetic Planning - Esthetic & Function
Full Mouth Rehabilitation (Part 2 of 2) - Esthetic & Function
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Full Mouth Rehabilitation (Part 2 of 2) - Esthetic & Function
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
In this second part of his two part Lecture Series on Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Dr Francesco Mintrone will discuss the details of planning cases with specific emphasis on aspects of esthetics and function. He will begin with cases involving implants and natural teeth and will end up with a case where he will have to perform a full mouth rehabilitation.click here for more info on Part 1.Release: 1/5/2015 | Expires: 1/5/2018
Full Mouth Rehabilitation (Part 1 of 2) - A Systematic Approach
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Full Mouth Rehabilitation (Part 1 of 2) - A Systematic Approach
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
This lecture will be focused on the esthetics analysis that should be done every time when approaching an esthetic and functional rehabilitation. Starting from the facial analysis and continuing with the dento-labial analysis, phonetic analysis, dental analysis and then finishing with some concepts of occlusion, we will try to provide a guideline to the full oral rehabilitation.This presentation will examine, with a step by step approach, the rehabilitation of a case of dental erosion in which all operative stages are guided from the initial esthetic analysis and subsequent previsualization of the final tooth profile before starting any active therapy.We will evaluate 3 cases of full mouth rehabilitation where the use of dental implants will become more consistent. In the last case we will focus on the planning phase as a result of aesthetic analysis in the way to place the implants in their perfect tridimensional position to support the esthetic rehabilitation.Finally, we will evaluate a novel approach for implant screw-retained restorations in which we will use an adhesive combination of zirconia framework and lithium disilicate.click here for more info on Part 2. Learning Objectives: - Learn how to make an Esthetic analysis to guide the decision process of the esthetic rehabilitation - Learn how to proceed to create a correct treatment planning in the full mouth rehabilitation - Learn key concepts of digital smile design - Learn how to plan the implant’s tridimensional position consequential to the esthetic result we want to obtain - Learn how to use the prosthetic esthetic material in a way to decrease the number of complications
Immediate Tooth Replacement: Review, Articles, and Cases
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Immediate Tooth Replacement: Review, Articles, and Cases
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
In this lecture we will analyze the immediate tooth replacement technique. We will start with a review, discuss the literature and finish with several cases. Evaluation of the key factors to obtain a predictable result is where to start when we approach a new technique. Some detailed high definition video will illustrate the details and demonstrate a completely new type of approach on this matter. The final goal of our treatment is to obtain a fully mimetic result.
Key Factors for Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation and Advances in Adhesives and All-Ceramic Materials
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Key Factors for Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation and Advances in Adhesives and All-Ceramic Materials Dr. Francesco Mintrone Modena, Italy Prosthodontist
Advanced GBR Augmentation and Implant Placement in a Challenging Esthetic Case
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Advanced GBR Augmentation and Implant Placement in a Challenging Esthetic Case
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Advanced GBR Augmentation and Implant Placement in a Challenging Esthetic Case
Extraction management in the Esthetic Zone using the Socket Shield Technique
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Extraction management in the Esthetic Zone using the Socket Shield Technique
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Extraction management in the Esthetic Zone using the Socket Shield Technique
Socket Shield Technique
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
In this video Dr Francesco Mintrone will explain the Socket Shield Technique. He will will discuss success rates of single-tooth replacement, and his experience in utilizing the Socket Shield Technique and its impact on predictable results from the perspectives of both esthetics and longevity. Then in a beautiful clinical video he will demonstrate the steps of a successful case where the Socket Shield Technique is applied.
Immediate Tooth Replacement with a Preplanned Final Custom Abutment - Preventing Gingival Recession and Biological width Invasion
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Over the years, the need to combine esthetic results and rapid surgery-prosthetic completion of implant-retained restorations have led to the development of new techniques and materials able to reduce the amount of time needed to undertake the entire treatment and, at the same time, ensure the same predictability and end results as if using traditional techniques.In this clinical video the treatment of an hopeless central incisor will be demonstrated using the immediate tooth replacement protocol with a connective tissue graft.This type of technique can be used in a predictable and safe way if certain anatomical prerequisites exist, depending on the bio-type of the patient and on local conditions derived from the health of soft and hard tissues in the area to be treated.Moreover, it is shown that the repeated disconnection of the transmucosal components can generate tissue recession due to the alteration of the delicate environment created between abutment and surrounding soft tissue.For this reason, from a biological point of view, seems advisable to place the final abutment at the time of the surgery.There are different types of preformed abutments available on the market and they can easily adapt to the different needs of the patient, even if, using these abutments, it may not always be possible to fully reproduce the many and varied anatomical needs of every single patient.Moreover, the need to obtain a cementation slightly lower than the tissue level requires ever more versatility.In this case we will consider a specific technique for the creation of individual abutments, starting from presurgery impressions that can ensure complete and perfect support of surrounding tissues.Release: 6/18/2014 | Expires: 6/18/2017
Previsualization in Esthetic Dentistry - A Useful System for Truly Informed Esthetic Treatment
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Previsualization in Esthetic Dentistry - A Useful System for Truly Informed Esthetic Treatment
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Previsualization is a useful system for truly informed esthetic treatment. The constant increase in esthetic demand, driven by the false images of beauty presented in the media, has resulted in a greater need among clinicians to avoid creating false expectations and to provide a precise description of treatment plan. In this video, Dr. Mintrone will demonstrate previsualization in case involving a 33 year old female looking to close the diastema between her two front teeth and improve overall esthetics.
Zygomatic Implants - Treatment Plan
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Zygomatic Implants - Treatment Plan
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
Zygomatic implants are indicated where: 1. sufficient anterior bone remains for the installation of standard implants, and the posterior alveolar crest has resorbed to the extent that additional implants would require the support of onlay or inlay grafts, and 2. Where an anterior onlay graft is reuired for implant placement and the need to extend the graft posteriorly can be eliminated by placing the Zygoma implant. In this video Dr. Mintrone will walk you through a case where 4 zygomatic implants are placed in a 71 year old female edentulous patient with extreme atrophe in the upper arch and where the conventional implant will not be able to be positioned in the anterior area. Unfortunately, computer-aided guided surgery for the Zygomatic Implant is not available yet, making the entire case much more challenging.