A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 7b) - Technical Requirements for Various Treatment Options for Edentulous Patients
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 7bTechnical Requirements for Various Treatment Options for Edentulous Patients
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 7a) - Mastering the Edentulous Patient: Understanding the Unique Technical and Psychological Challenges
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 7aMastering the Edentulous Patient: Understanding the Unique Technical and Psychological Challenges
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 6b) - Prosthodontic Management of Soft Tissue Defects
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 6b) - Prosthodontic Management of Soft Tissue Defects
Dr. George Perri
Part 6bProsthodontic Management of Soft Tissue Defects
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 6a) - Maximizing Aesthetic Potential: Restorative Challenges and Goals with Ideal and Non-Ideal Implant Placement
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 6aMaximizing Aesthetic Potential: Restorative Challenges and Goals with Ideal and Non-Ideal Implant Placement
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 5) - Provisionals: Their Use and Timing in Patient Management
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3b) - Surgical Guides: A Basic Look at the Goals and Issues
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 3bSurgical Guides: A Basic Look at the Goals and Issues
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
Dr. George Perri
Part 3aRestorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2b) - Impression Techniques
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2b) - Impression Techniques
Dr. George Perri
Part 2bImpression Techniques
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 2aAn Overview of the Head of an Implant
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 1b) - Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 1bIdeal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 1a) - An Introduction and Rationale for their Predictable and Successful Use in the Restorative Dental Practice
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
Part 1aAn Introduction and Rationale for their Predictable and Successful Use in the Restorative Dental Practice
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry Series (16 Lecture Certificate Series)
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry Series (16 Lecture Certificate Series)
Dr. George Perri
This comprehensive Certificate Series will introduce you to dental implants and bring your practice to the next level. Dr. George Perri brings 30 years of experience as a clinician and educator on the topic of Implant Dentistry. Throughout this course, he will show you what to do to achieve predictable results and be successful day-to-day in the regular treatment of your patients. The goal of this series is to bring you to a level where your outcomes can be predictable and successful. This requires a philosophy and an understanding of the biologic perspective. The restorative dentist must know what to expect from a dental implant. When we know what the future outcome is likely to be dependent upon the placement of the implant, we are better prepared to talk to the patient, to present treatment to the patient, and to achieve success. Topics Include: - An Introduction and Rationale for their Predictable and Successful Use in the Restorative Dental Practice - Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement - An Overview of the Head of an Implant - Impression Techniques - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides - Surgical Guides: A Basic Look at the Goals and Issues - Basic Restorative Theory: The rationale for effective restoration design and connection to the implant - Provisionals: Their Use and Timing in Patient Management - Maximizing Aesthetic Potential: Restorative Challenges and Goals with Ideal and Non-Ideal Implant Placement - Prosthodontic Management of Soft Tissue Defects - Mastering the Edentulous Patient: Understanding the Unique Technical and Psychological Challenges - Technical Requirements for Various Treatment Options for Edentulous Patients This series also includes 4 Edentulous cases which will enable to to see and understand the steps for bringing similar case to their final successful outcomes.
The Edentulous Jaw Restoration - An evaluation of different restorative options
Dr. George Perri
The Edentulous Jaw Restoration - An evaluation of different restorative options
Dr. George Perri
Edentulous patients desire restoration of their chewing ability and esthetic enhancement. This presentation will provide treatment planning, indications and expectations for different restorative options for the edentulous jaw. Treatment steps will be presented how to successfully choose between a removable and a fixed prosthesis and how to educate the patient. A focus is made on removable overlay challenges and how to manage them.
Immediate Tooth Replacement and Restorative challenges
Dr. George Perri
Immediate Tooth Replacement and Restorative challenges
Dr. George Perri
Diagnosing cases and case acceptance for ITR. Immediate temporization concepts and abutment choice. Final restorative design and loading period.
Anterior Implant Restoration - Advanced Concerns
Dr. George Perri
Anterior Implant Restoration - Advanced Concerns
Dr. George Perri
Provisionalization goals and implementation. Managing the non- ideal implant position. Multiple missing teeth in the anterior segment.
Anterior Implant Restoration - Beginning Considerations and Issues
Dr. George Perri
Anterior Implant Restoration - Beginning Considerations and Issues
Dr. George Perri
An evaluation of abutments and restorative technique. Aesthetic restorative realities and limitations. Final crown design and a rationale for selecting screw retained vs. cemented final restorations.
Posterior Implant Placement from a Restorative Perspective
Dr. George Perri
Posterior Implant Placement from a Restorative Perspective
Dr. George Perri
Methods to simplify restorative case work up. Surgical template/guide design. Case planning and a rationale for numbers and positioning of implants. Fail safe impression techniques to make implant dentistry easier than conventional.
Office Set-up and Case Selection
Dr. George Perri
Office Set-up and Case Selection
Dr. George Perri
Course goals and a rationale for selecting case types and implant system(s) will be presented. An understanding of restorative methods and goals will be developed.
A to Z in Implant Dentistry (12 Lecture Certificate Series)
Dr. Sascha A. Jovanovic
A to Z in Implant Dentistry (12 Lecture Certificate Series)
12 course Series: A complete clinical CE course of 24 hours to get a restorative and surgical office trained with the placement and restoration of Osseointegrated implants. This course is intended as an entry and intermediate level of training for the general dentist to increase surgical and restorative implant experience or for the surgical specialist to increase restorative and surgical experience. The course is part of a complete web-based program with the intention to receive a certificate of completion after passing an exam. Certification Program: This course is a 24 hour CE certification course completed with an online examination and a Global Institute certificate of completion. TOPICS INCLUDE: - Office Set-up and Case Selection from a Restorative Perspective - Office Set-up and Case Selection from a Surgical Perspective - Posterior Implant Placement from a Restorative Perspective - Posterior Implant Placement from a Surgical Perspective - Anterior Implant Restoration: Beginning Considerations and Issues - Anterior Implant Placement: Single Missing Tooth - Surgical Criteria - Anterior Implant Restoration: Advanced Concerns - Anterior Surgical Implant Placement: Single Missing Tooth - Immediate Tooth Replacement and Restorative challenges - Immediate Tooth Replacement and Surgical challenges - The Edentulous Jaw Restoration: An evaluation of different restorative options - The Edentulous Jaw and different surgical treatment options