A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 3a) - Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
Dr. George Perri
Part 3a<br />Restorative Case Work-Up, Surgical Guides
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2b) - Impression Techniques
Dr. George Perri
Part 2b<br />Impression Techniques
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry (Part 2a) - An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 2a<br />An Overview of the Head of an Implant
Dr. George Perri
Part 1b<br />Ideal Implant Placement & Prosthodontic Limitations of the Non-Ideal Implant Placement
Dr. George Perri
Part 1a<br />An Introduction and Rationale for their Predictable and Successful Use in the Restorative Dental Practice
NobelActive - Predictable Function and Aesthetics
Dr. Ophir Fromovich
This introductory lecture will take you on a journey to see how the NobelActive can help you through various cases ranging from simple to complex.First you will learn about the design, biologic, and feature of the NobelActive implant. We will show you how to utilize NobelActive in cases where there is a severe defect in the molar area after extraction where there is only 1mm, and what you can do in cases where you want to preserve the papilla between two implants.You will be shown the benefits of being able to change direction when placing NobelActive, and when it is best to do this. We will present hard cases: one involving severe atrophy in the mazilla, and another involving two missing congenital laterals in a limited spacing where a 3mm is utilized.You will learn how to best utilize NobelActive in All-on-4 and All-on-6 cases with fixation. We will also present a case where there is a failed implant and how we successfully replace it with immediate loading of a NobelActive.
Dr. Blackie Swart
This lecture will present the NobelActive, a universal bone-level implant that can also be used for challenging situations. We will present a case where a tooth is extracted then followed by an immediate placement of a NobelActive implant, and followed up after four years with bone-remodeling.<br/><br/>The NobelActive also supports the soft tissue very nicely. Immediate placement of implants can be done as single units, or multiple with favorable results in the long-term. Even sometimes looking better than the natural teeth. The NobelActive can be used in very challenging cases, where we have a big cystic lesion. And the cystic lesion and the implant can be addressed simultaneously. The process for doing this will be demonstrated in detail.<br/><br/> In another case that will be demonstrated, on day 1, with immediate tooth extraction and loading protocols we achieve a sufficent granulation tissue to give us the little bit of soft tissue that can give us the edge on the esthetic reconstruction. After three months, six months, three years, and even after a five year follow up it remains completely stable. Congenital missing lateral teeth always seems to be a very difficult situation with a lot of our orthodontic colleagues rather placing the canine against the central.<br/><br/>Is it really better than placing implants in the congenital missing laterals? We will explore a case where both of the laterals are congenitally missing. We will discuss rehabilitation concepts for the edentulous maxilla. For grafting and delayed loading this is just an alternative to all of the protocols available to the clinician Today.<br/><br/>Where an atrophic maxilla is reconstructed with autogenous iliac crest bone, the secret behind this is temporary restorations that prohibit the prosthesis from pressing on the grafted bone, and giving the patient an immediate functioning prosthesis so that they can go back to their everyday life within three days and not having an extended period away from work. This lecture will finish by focusing on the esthetics of the reconstruction of the maxilla and reconstruction of the nasolabial angle, natural normal angles being between 90 and 110 degrees.<br/>
Implantoplasty: A Patient's Journey
Dr. Egon Euwe
This lecture follows a patient's journey to a procedure called implantoplasty. We will take you back in time to the year 2001, back when we treated our patient with an implant supported restoration. It's a fixed bridge, porcelain fused to metal, as these were typically treated 15-20 years ago. It was a passive fit, glued onto single abutments placed on five implants. The patient was wearing a traditional upper-denture with acrylic teeth and a lower fixed bridge with porcelain fused to metal. This caused excessive wear. Now there are better options which will be explained in this lecture. We can improve esthetics of the denture, and we can work with more modern and stronger materials in order to avoid the problem we faced years ago. The patient had also developed peri-implantitis at the site of one of her implants. This, of course, can be quite common. This lecture includes a clinical video that will show the surgical steps that were taken to treat this. The clinical video also includes a free gingival graft that was a part of the procedure. By the end, a stable result is achieved and maintained which will be shown in our patient's follow-up.
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on "Restoration of 'Failing Teeth' with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone" is to help you predictably achieve highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time. This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition. Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant? We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands? This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.