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The Esthetic Connection: Smile Design Communication


Dr. Galip Gurel

59 min

When we discuss smile design Today, one important aspect that must be considered when planning treatment is smile design management.<br><br>Our complex cases involve many variables: auxillary dentists and technicians, a vast range of materials and resources, patient expectations, etc. Achieving optimal outcomes in these cases requires precise treatment planning and execution. In this presentation Dr. Galip Gurel will not only share his clinical insights for approaching smile design. He will also share the management steps he uses for bringing everyone and everything involved in the case together so that we can expect a successful treatment.<br><br><span style="font-size:9px">Release: 7/15/2014 | Expires: 7/15/2017</span>

Full Mouth Rehabilitation (Part 1 of 2) - A Systematic Approach


Dr. Francesco Mintrone

39 min

This lecture will be focused on the esthetics analysis that should be done every time when approaching an esthetic and functional rehabilitation. <br><br>Starting from the facial analysis and continuing with the dento-labial analysis, phonetic analysis, dental analysis and then finishing with some concepts of occlusion, we will try to provide a guideline to the full oral rehabilitation.<br><br>This presentation will examine, with a step by step approach, the rehabilitation of a case of dental erosion in which all operative stages are guided from the initial esthetic analysis and subsequent previsualization of the final tooth profile before starting any active therapy.<br><br>We will evaluate 3 cases of full mouth rehabilitation where the use of dental implants will become more consistent. In the last case we will focus on the planning phase as a result of aesthetic analysis in the way to place the implants in their perfect tridimensional position to support the esthetic rehabilitation.<br><br>Finally, we will evaluate a novel approach for implant screw-retained restorations in which we will use an adhesive combination of zirconia framework and lithium disilicate.<br><br><a href="http://gidedental.com/product?pid=917">click here</a> for more info on Part 2.<br> <br /> <strong>Learning Objectives:</strong><br /> - Learn how to make an Esthetic analysis to guide the decision process of the esthetic rehabilitation<br /> <br /> - Learn how to proceed to create a correct treatment planning in the full mouth rehabilitation<br /> <br /> - Learn key concepts of digital smile design<br /> <br /> - Learn how to plan the implant’s tridimensional position consequential to the esthetic result we want to obtain <br /> <br /> - Learn how to use the prosthetic esthetic material in a way to decrease the number of complications<br />

Integrated Rehabilitation Using Adjacent Implants in the Esthetic Region


Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva

40 min

This clinical case presentation depicts a comprehensive resolution of a complex clinical condition in which periodontic, prosthesis, and implant concepts are utilized. In this scenario, both upper central incisors are extracted and replaced with immediate implants followed by immediate temporization using the patient

Delivery of Immediate Final Restorations at the Time of Implant Surgery - A Comprehensive Digital Approach to Implant Dentistry


Dr. Siamak Abai

51 min

Digital advancements in areas such as intraoral scanning, 3-D printing, and CAD/CAM technology are creating efficiencies while expanding the treatment options available to dentists. These tools allow for streamlined treatment and laboratory protocols that can be modified to meet the individual needs of each patient. In this presentation, Dr. Siamak Abai outlines cases where digital intraoral scans are utilized in conjunction with Cone Beam Computed Tomography scans and CAD/CAM software to fabricate guided surgical guides, custom final abutments, and final restorations prior to implant surgery. A model-less workflow is initiated with intraoral scanning, facilitating delivery of final restorations at the time of implant placement. Topics include:<br /><br /> - Impression making considerations for partially edentulous patient<br /> - Treatment planning and utilization of CAD/CAM software for the fabrication of guided surgical guides<br /> - The benefits and applications of intraoral scanning in the partially edentulous patient<br /> - Clinical and laboratory workflows facilitated by digital impressions<br /> - Traditional and digital techniques involved in the fabrication of final abutments and restorations<br /> - Application of CAD/CAM technology in the design and production of restorations<br /> - Prosthesis fabrication from models produced with 3-D printing technology

Lasers in Contemporary Implant Dentistry - Part 2


Dr. Glenn van As

49 min

Part 2 of 2: Lasers in Contemporary Implant Dentistry by Dr. Glenn van As<br /><br />Part 1 (LOD 237-00) of this two part series will look at four things that can happen with laser tissue interactions: Scatter, Transmission (or Refraction), Absorption, and Reflection. This will help us understand the physics and science of lasers. We will look at the several different wavelengths available for implant dentistry, and which one might be appropriate for your practice. This lecture will present a protocol that will help you determine where lasers can fit in to implant dentistry. And, finally, we will discuss how lasers can impact before you place your implant, and during the placement of your implant.<br /><br />Part 2 (LOD 238-00) of this two part series will discuss the role of lasers after the implant has been placed. We will demonstrate how it can be used to improve healing. It can be used during uncovery. It can be used in periimplant tissue removal, and even in the exciting world of periimplantitis. Clinical cases will be presented showing hard-tissue lasers being used for decortication as an alternative to traditional means. We will focus on why an electrosurge may be damaging to your implants, and may cause you more problems than benefits, and why a diode-laser may be your treatment of choice. This lecture will conclude with what may be the future of lasers, and how Erbium lasers might be able to be used in periimplantitis to not only remove biofilms and surfaces like TiUnite, but to actively allow for reosseointegration to occur.

Lasers in Contemporary Implant Dentistry - Part 1


Dr. Glenn van As

51 min

Part 1 of 2: Lasers in Contemporary Implant Dentistry by Dr. Glenn van As<br /><br />Part 1 (LOD 237-00) of this two part series will look at four things that can happen with laser tissue interactions: Scatter, Transmission (or Refraction), Absorption, and Reflection. This will help us understand the physics and science of lasers. We will look at the several different wavelengths available for implant dentistry, and which one might be appropriate for your practice. This lecture will present a protocol that will help you determine where lasers can fit in to implant dentistry. And, finally, we will discuss how lasers can impact before you place your implant, and during the placement of your implant.<br /><br />Part 2 (LOD 238-00 - sold separately) of this two part series will discuss the role of lasers after the implant has been placed. We will demonstrate how it can be used to improve healing. It can be used during uncovery. It can be used in periimplant tissue removal, and even in the exciting world of periimplantitis. Clinical cases will be presented showing hard-tissue lasers being used for decortication as an alternative to traditional means. We will focus on why an electrosurge may be damaging to your implants, and may cause you more problems than benefits, and why a diode-laser may be your treatment of choice. This lecture will conclude with what may be the future of lasers, and how Erbium lasers might be able to be used in periimplantitis to not only remove biofilms and surfaces like TiUnite, but to actively allow for reosseointegration to occur.

NobelActive - Predictable Function and Aesthetics


Dr. Ophir Fromovich

60 min

This introductory lecture will take you on a journey to see how the NobelActive can help you through various cases ranging from simple to complex.First you will learn about the design, biologic, and feature of the NobelActive implant. We will show you how to utilize NobelActive in cases where there is a severe defect in the molar area after extraction where there is only 1mm, and what you can do in cases where you want to preserve the papilla between two implants.You will be shown the benefits of being able to change direction when placing NobelActive, and when it is best to do this. We will present hard cases: one involving severe atrophy in the mazilla, and another involving two missing congenital laterals in a limited spacing where a 3mm is utilized.You will learn how to best utilize NobelActive in All-on-4 and All-on-6 cases with fixation. We will also present a case where there is a failed implant and how we successfully replace it with immediate loading of a NobelActive.

Implantoplasty: A Patient's Journey


Dr. Egon Euwe

35 min

This lecture follows a patient's journey to a procedure called implantoplasty. We will take you back in time to the year 2001, back when we treated our patient with an implant supported restoration. It's a fixed bridge, porcelain fused to metal, as these were typically treated 15-20 years ago. It was a passive fit, glued onto single abutments placed on five implants. The patient was wearing a traditional upper-denture with acrylic teeth and a lower fixed bridge with porcelain fused to metal. This caused excessive wear. Now there are better options which will be explained in this lecture. We can improve esthetics of the denture, and we can work with more modern and stronger materials in order to avoid the problem we faced years ago. The patient had also developed peri-implantitis at the site of one of her implants. This, of course, can be quite common. This lecture includes a clinical video that will show the surgical steps that were taken to treat this. The clinical video also includes a free gingival graft that was a part of the procedure. By the end, a stable result is achieved and maintained which will be shown in our patient's follow-up.

Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Surgical and Prosthetic Keys to Success - Part 2


Dr. Tidu Mankoo

30 min

The purpose of this two part series on "Restoration of 'Failing Teeth' with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone" is to help you predictably achieve highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time. This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition. Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant? We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands? This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.

Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone - Surgical and Prosthetic Keys to Success - Part 1


Dr. Tidu Mankoo

57 min

The purpose of this two part series on Restoration of Failing Teeth with Implants in the Aesthetic Zone is to help you predictably achieve a highly esthetic outcomes that restore function and stand the test of time.<BR><BR>This lecture will present the sound biological principles that can help you approach the treatment of challenging cases where your patient has a seriously compromised dentition.<BR><BR>Surgical and prosthetic considerations will be discussed. Is the tooth maintainable? Is it more predictable to maintain the compromised tooth or extract and place an implant?<BR><BR>We should always try to save the tooth if possible, but determining this requires analysis of the patient: How old is the patient? What is the tooth's dental history? What is the structural integrity of the tooth? What is the periodontal status? What are the functional demands?<BR><BR>This lecture will present and discuss the key elements that we must consider when thinking about implants in the esthetic zone.